11 Must Have Free WordPress Plugins For Every WordPress Installation

11 Must Have Free WordPress Plugins For Every WordPress Installation

WordPress does not need any introduction; it has become one of the most commonly used blogging platforms. It comes with a plethora of plugins to make your blogging experience even more interesting and enjoyable. WordPress plugins not only add additional functionality to your blog but will also make them look visually appealing. If you look into WordPress Plugin Directory, you will find more than six thousands plugins to choose from.

45 Excellent Professional Resources For Learning WordPress Development

There are some websites that you can follow if you want to stay up to date with the latest trends whether it is related to design work or any other specific thing. In this session, we are presenting a list of some websites that will help you improve your knowledge about WordPress. You will find different articles that will help you understand how you can better use WordPress and how you can integrate different plugins with it.

12 Useful Tools And Add-ons To Enrich Your Gmail Experience

12 Useful Tools And Add-ons To Enrich Your Gmail Experience

Gmail is the most commonly as well as most widely used web based email service that is available on the net today. With millions of users using Gmail on a daily basis, it has become important for the company to release some useful add-ons to improve the efficiency of this widely used email client. Thus, they release a number of different add-ons and services that have made emailing from the Gmail even more productive and fun.

8 Free Time Tracking Apps For Freelancers

Time management is often the most common issue that almost every freelancer faces. Freelancers cannot manage too many tasks at the same time and therefore, they have to distribute their time very carefully so as to complete all the tasks in time. For a freelancer, time is money. If he can manage his time effectively then he can manage multiple tasks as well.

TeamWox Groupware And Online Collaboration Software

TeamWox Groupware And Online Collaboration Software

Running a company can be a frustrating experience. You have to hire employees, make sure they work the number of hours your company requires, make sure they work the way your company requires, ensure everyone is working on the correct project, everyone submits their respective work before the deadline - the list can go on and on and on. It is very difficult to keep a track of each and every small detail of your company. But keeping a record of all your company’s actions can help you in many ways. You may want to check what online conversation you had with your secretary the other day about that important meeting or you may want to know which one from your staff did the best work on that special project. Considering this need, software engineers have devised an online software named groupware or collaborative software. Roughly speaking a groupware is a computer software designed to help people involved in a common task to achieve their goals.

7 Free Web Hosting Control Panels To Manage Servers

7 Free Web Hosting Control Panels To Manage Servers

Using a dedicated control panel application is a good idea for those developers and designers who are hosting multiple websites on a VPS / dedicated server. These days, majority of the developers and even designers are managing multiple websites and online portfolios and for that they build resource consuming application. Therefore, they need a custom hosting plan that suits their needs. Using VPS is a good option although it requires technical knowledge. However, once installed, it not only saves your time but also lets you manage multiple websites quite easily.

5 Most Important Web Forms and How to Build Them With a Single App

5 Most Important Web Forms and How to Build Them With a Single App

In order to run a successful online business, you must delve a little into website development. If you want to spare time on your side, the labour can go a lot easier if you use apps to help build your website. From the fascinating bits and pieces of the dev puzzle, today I will put my focus on one key element – Web Forms.Thousands of web forms are filled in each hour across the internet. In fact, forms play the key role in most online interactions: feedback collection, checkout processes, research, community sharing, business leads gathering. There is a special type of form that carries each of these tasks. Today I will feature the most important five types of web forms for online businesses and a simple way you can get them running on your website – using 123Contact Form.

11 Free MS Word Alternatives You Can Use

11 Free MS Word Alternatives You Can Use

There are many free alternatives to Microsoft Word that you can use without paying a single penny. This is a good news for those who think that there is no alternative to MS Word and thus, they have to depend on MS Word for all their documentation needs. In this round up, we are showcasing 11 free alternatives to the costly Microsoft Word application. All of these alternatives are easy to use and you can start using them very quickly as well as without any difficulty.

10 Free Tools To Create Visually Appealing Infographics

Infographics is the graphical representation of information or data. The information presented through Infographics is visually appealing and can be scanned easily. Furthermore, you can effectively represent relatively large amount of data in a very small space. Infographics are used to represent straight-forward and interesting data and /or the relation between two entities.

8 Useful And Free Web Application Security Testing Tools

With the development of more and more interactive and complex websites, it has become necessary that website owners ensure the security of their websites. For this reason, number of free web based tools and applications are available on the net. One cannot ensure that his website is completely safe without running security tests. Therefore, such types of web based applications and security testing tools are precious.

15 Free And Useful Online QR Code Generators

15 Free And Useful Online QR Code Generators

Here we have come up with some free online QR code generators for you. You may find dozens of QR code generators on the net but this collection features only high quality and free to use code generators. QR codes are the 2D barcodes that you can easily scan with the help of any smartphone. After that, these codes are converted into interactive piece of text and / or links.

7 Free Tools For Integrating Twitter With Your WordPress Blog

Twitter has grown into the most widely used social networking platform from the time it has been launched. Now, almost every blogger and website has integrated Twitter with their website or blog. So that their visitors can easily tweet the website information or latest updates. Here we have put together 7 amazing tools that you can use in order to integrate Wordpress and Twitter.

What’s Your Website Uptime Recently?

What’s Your Website Uptime Recently?

The common mentality is that once a website is launched, the troubles and headaches are history. The visitors and the profit will come instantly. Unfortunately, the situation is almost the opposite, the launching of the website is the beginning of a never ending cavalcade of issues. These are various and need multiple “treatments”: firstly, the potential visitors must appreciate the information provided, secondly, the relationship with the search engine is vital in having visitors and thirdly, but not the least, the respective website must be uptime. It’s frustrating both for the designer and the website owner to invest resources into a website that can’t be accessed by visitors. That’s where website monitoring services came into existence.


7 Typography Tools Every Designer Should Know

Here is a useful collection of top 7 typography tools for you. With these tools, you can create your own fonts and then can very easily insert them into your designs by simply pasting some special code snippets or using the existing pieces of CSS code. Typography is the key component of any web design. It not only informs the visitors or potential customers but also holds a significant value in the success of any design.

5 WordPress Plugins To Interlink Blog Content

5 WordPress Plugins To Interlink Blog Content

Interlinking can be defined as one of the best ways to keep your visitors stay longer and let them navigate different pages of your website. It is the way that provides your visitors an opportunity to explore your website more based on their interest. Apart from that more page requests bring about good ranking for you as well as this also increases crawl rate.