What’s Your Website Uptime Recently?

The common mentality is that once a website is launched, the troubles and headaches are history. The visitors and the profit will come instantly. Unfortunately, the situation is almost the opposite, the launching of the website is the beginning of a never ending cavalcade of issues. These are various and need multiple “treatments”: firstly, the potential visitors must appreciate the information provided, secondly, the relationship with the search engine is vital in having visitors and thirdly, but not the least, the respective website must be uptime. It’s frustrating both for the designer and the website owner to invest resources into a website that can’t be accessed by visitors. That’s where website monitoring services came into existence.

The control over the evolution of a website is extremely important; Internet users have so many solutions and opportunities that a second chance doesn’t exist in online environment. In this context, there is no wonder that many website owners buy monitoring products to notice any issue of their website. We are living in a very globalised planet and the news travel with a speed, probably, way faster that the one of light (if you remember, few months ago Facebook was down for few hours in Europe and it create a real hysteria, your website doesn’t need such a negative advertising).

Monitor Scout is a top quality company that provides, for more than 15 years, solutions in hosting industry and recently entered into the monitoring area with a very reliable and interesting product. The main features of the monitoring service package impress anyone while the name of the company and the list of previous satisfied clients are two decisive arguments in paying closer attention to this product.

1.Worldwide network


The monitoring network is smartly distributed to assure the perfect conditions for a complete control over the websites and servers evolution. The client has the possibility to customize the offer: he may select the entire network or only some locations that present importance for his project. The locations are various, from Singapore to Spain, from Japan to Italy and according to their official website, the network will still grow sooner.

2. Server health


As previously mentioned, the state of the server is vital for the websites stored so, a website owner that really cares about his online presence will fall in love with any tool that gives him full control and immediately announces him and repair any issue. Yep, Server Health is the name of the entity that offers information about the server CPU utilization, Memory (RAM), processes and so on. The system is built on the idea that it isn’t necessary for someone to stay in front of some monitors to see the graphical evolution. When the website is under normal parameters, there is no problem but when the threshold established is exceeded, the user must intervene.

3. SMS and email notifications


Even when the user isn’t connected to Internet the website and server monitoring system offers solutions to prevent any downtime. Immediately after the system grasps a problem it sends a SMS and email notification to the website owner. The nice aspect is that the SMS option can be customized depending on the preferences and the needs of the website owner. It varies from a single SMS/email sent to the website owner to a group of people. The customization may be realized more in depth, the SMS alert being transmitted even to the specific shift.

4. Multiple monitor checks; monitoring with one minute intervals


The admiration for Monitor Scout may be the reflection of the writer’s subjectivity but by visiting the website it’s quite probable not to resist to the temptation of signing up for their services. Another impressive aspect of the Monitor Scout, that anyone should check personally, is the flexibility: as an example, the intervals to check the website and server are established by the customer. Much more, other options are tailored to the options of the user therefore, you decide when something is considered as a problem. There are many terms that apparently are similar to sci-fi literature but in fact, by consulting the website, the explanation of them will make everyone understand the complexity of the situation.

5. The blog


Not everyone that needs a website and server monitoring system is involved in this industry and, in the majority of cases, he/she need some precious advices and explanations over specific issues. Monitor Scout team is formed from experienced specialists and the blog is a precious resource developed by them. Anyone who doesn’t know too much about monitoring field may consult this blog and the information from here will be enough to get an idea.

6. Unbelievable but true..it’s for free!!!


Expert Monitoring is still in his infancy, state named by testers as beta version. Despite of this fact, the services are reliable, secure and qualitative but the most amazing part is that it’s for free! Anyone interested may try their services. If you aren’t satisfied (hard to believe) you may give up on them with no explanation. Don’t worry, there is no signed contract or hidden stipulation to obligate someone to continue the collaboration.

7.Register yourself and have control over your website


In the end, I hope that everyone will visit the website to see the offer and many of the visitors will turn into customers. There are only advantages as long as the beta version is for free. Fortunately, by signing up you will benefit from other great features still not mentioned here. The technical support is very professional and in this way the visitors won’t remark the issues because they instantly repair them. Another surprise is the easiness of use; no software installation is required. In just few minutes anyone may supervise his website. Are you convinced about it? Will you try it? Let other people know your impressions by using the comment form. We are very interested in finding out what you like or don’t like about this monitoring system.

Checkout this free website & server monitoring

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