8 Useful And Free Web Application Security Testing Tools

With the development of more and more interactive and complex websites, it has become necessary that website owners ensure the security of their websites. For this reason, number of free web based tools and applications are available on the net. One cannot ensure that his website is completely safe without running security tests. Therefore, such types of web based applications and security testing tools are precious.

5 Must Have File Recovery Tools For Linux Users

5 Must Have File Recovery Tools For Linux Users

Creating a backup of your computer is a wise idea. It helps avoid losing your files to accidental deletions. But if your hard disk is damaged some way or the data is lost without you having its backup, file recovery programs are your best bet.Like all other application types, Windows users will find a plethora of options when it comes file recovery software. Options for Linux users, on the other hand, are limited. Thus we decided to share the top 5 file recovery apps for our Linux reader. We hope you find today’s list helpful.

10 Privacy Tools To Browse The Web Anonymously

10 Privacy Tools To Browse The Web Anonymously

There are lots of people who prefer to browse the internet using a proxy. There are many reasons behind it. One of the most important reasons include your private information which you may just leave on a public computer.When you browse the internet through hidden proxies, websites does not send you the request directly but to the proxy server and it shows the information of the proxy server rather than your personal information. They are also used to unblock websites on different organizations and school networks like Facebook, Twitter etc.


13 Excellent Plugins To Enhance The Power Of WordPress Admin Section

There are hundreds of wordpress plugins available on the internet. Some of them are very useful and some of them are only for the sake of existence. But it’s totally up to you that how you can make your wordpress blog more strong and powerful using different plugins to give your blog readers an amazing and wonderful experience. In this post, We are listing down wordpress plugins for admin area that are worth checking out.

Top 10 Most Popular Free Security Software (Computer Security Day Special)

Computer Security Day is an annual event that is observed worldwide. It was started in 1988 to help raise awareness of computer related security issues. The goal of Computer Security Day is to remind people to protect their computers and information. Officially, Computer Security Day is November 30th. However, some some organizations choose to have functions on the next business day or week if CSD falls on a weekend.For sure, it's an excellent move to raise the awareness to understand why it's important to secure PC and the data inside it and how anyone can make it easier to implement the effective security level to his computer oriented environment. There are many security software are available, but getting by free and good ones is not that easy. That is why to observe this great event today we are trying to do our part and listing down few excellent free security software. Read each entry in the list and see which website suits your needs best.
Easily Upload, Share And Password Protect Your Images With Anyone By Using Yogile

Easily Upload, Share And Password Protect Your Images With Anyone By Using Yogile

You can use your social networking account to share photographs with your friends. But what if you wanted to create an album that friends could add photographs to? Or what if you wanted to create an album and share it with somebody without adding them in your social networking friends?Most image hosting websites let only one user, the creator of the album, manage the album and add photographs to it. Yogile decided to do things a little differently.clip_image004
Maintain Your Passwords Online With KeePass

Maintain Your Passwords Online With KeePass

The average internet user has accounts on a number of websites. Apart from email and social networking accounts, you end up creating accounts on other websites as well. Most people use the same username and password combination across all websites; however this is an unwise practice because if one account gets compromised, the others are automatically at risk.Smart internet users keep different passwords on the sites they use. But as the number of accounts increases, it becomes harder to maintain all the passwords. That is where KeyPass comes into play.
Google.com Powered With SSL For Encrypted Private Searching

Google.com Powered With SSL For Encrypted Private Searching

If you spends more time on the internet then I am sure you want more control and security over your online communication. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection being used for encrypting information travels on networks. Its usually recognized by a web address containing "https" or a browser lock icon, as we have seen it with many e-commerce or banking sites, well not just for banking and e-commerce, people uses it for private exchange and for processing credential information as well. googlesearchSSL
Before You Go Live, Test Your Website Security With Websecurify

Before You Go Live, Test Your Website Security With Websecurify

Website security is one of the major concerns of developers and webmasters because when their sites go live, these are in the eyes of several threats. Hence testers put lots of efforts in determining and maintaining website security. Among different techniques used to test the security of websites, testing tools are the most popular. These tools generate security-related test cases and produce in-depth reporting to analyze statistics of the tests performed. None of the tools is 100% perfect, they have their limitations instead.Websecurify is an automated web application security scanner that scans different security parameters of your website and generates detailed statistical analysis that helps you find security loop holes so as to keep your website safe and secure.
Is Your Site Free From SQL Injection?

Is Your Site Free From SQL Injection?

SQL injection is a security exploit in which an attacker injects SQL parameters into a Web form, allowing him or her to send database queries and ultimately gain access. SQL injection is not a direct database problem but rather an application issue that indirectly affects your database systems. There are several web application vulnerability scanners to see if any input filtering or other SQL injection-specific holes exist.SQLFury is the worlds first free online SQL Injection scanner. It is a developer tool written for the Adobe AIR runtime, this application performs SQL injection scans of a target website to identify any SQL injection vulnerabilities. SQLFury utilises blind or inband SQL injection techniques to identify vulnerable targets. If vulnerabilities are found options will be given to extract information from the database using the compromised parameter.SQLFury1
7 Awesome And Useful Software For Linux

7 Awesome And Useful Software For Linux

We have lots of commercial software available to use on different platform to complete our different work, but they are not free and sometime we do not able to purchase. Don’t worry about it, today we are listing here 7 Awesome And Useful Software For Linux in which most of them are cross-platform. There are many alternative available for single software, but I just tried to list down some very similar and useful alternative. You might not be able to enjoy all the features as original software but it will really help you to perform your task in a better way when your pocket does not allow you to purchase commercial software.KSpread