, A Browser Based Twitter Client With Google Maps Integration

Twitter has become a huge sharing source online. Accountholder on the social networking giant keep their followers posted of each and every thing that they experience. It cannot be argued that Twitter is a great way to know what people are talking about, what the trending topics are, and what is concerning Twitter users the most. This information keeps people well informed of their surroundings and the people in them.

Recognizing this and the value of knowing what people nearby us are discussing, was created.

streamdin is a free to use online Twitter client. Visitors to the site need no additional account; they can simply link their Twitter account with the site to start working.


The purpose of is to spread awareness about the topics being most discussed in a particular area. Suppose you are a Twitter user from Moscow, Russia. When you start, you will see a Google Map of you location.


The left pane shows us the latest tweets. We can choose to close this pane to expand the map view. On this map you will see the Tweets of the people you follow and others. Their display pictures will be in the form of thumbnails. When we hover our mouse pointer over these thumbnails we can find out what was the Tweeted text and when was it shared.



When we click on these thumbnails, the left pane provides us with detailed information about that particular user.


We can browse over to different locations on the globe to find out what is being Tweeted about there. This way we can quickly find out the trending topics on Twitter in any part of the world. This information can be highly useful particularly when it comes to targeted online marketing campaigns.

In conclusion, is a great Twitter client that usefully takes advantage of Twitter’s geo-location ability. If you are a Twitter user, you should not overlook this client; click here to visit

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