31 Power Tools For Twitter Lovers To Make Lives Easier

Twitter is a rapidly growing micro-blogging service in these days. It’s a great fun to share information or talk with your friends and the powerful way to spread the word as much as possible. In this post, we are listing down 31 Power Tools For Twitter Lovers To Make Lives Easier that are free and absolutely useful. Whether you are designer, developer, office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc. But we make sure to add something interesting for everyone. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. Just take a look at them and share your thought here. If you like this post so please spread the word as much possible via twitter.

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Twtpoll is a simple survey/poll twitter app. Enter your question there! Then share your poll on Twitter, Facebook or via email.

Mr. Tweet

Mr. Tweet

Mr. Tweet helps you easily build meaningful relationships by looking through your network and tweets.



TwitterFriends helps to find out the hidden network of Twitter contacts that are really relevant for you. You can also visualize the network of your relevant contacts and their contacts.

Twitter Grader

Twitter Grader

Twitter Grader measures the power of a profile. In simple words, you can measure the power and authority of your twitter profile using this service.



Tweetree puts your Twitter stream in a tree so you can see the posts people are replying to in context. It also pulls in lots of external content like twitpic photos, youtube videos and more, so that you can see them right in your stream without having to click through every link your friends post.



Twitterless tells you who stops following you and graphs your follower history over time, making this info available in a variety of useful views.



A Phweet is a shortURL that makes conversations and conference calls possible between Twitter friends and across other social networks. Let your friends know you are talking. Invite them to join in. No numbers, no new profiles. Simple, just start Phweet talking.



Happytweets is a measuring stick for how positive, or happy, a particular Tweep is.  Enter the Twitter username for you or one of your buddies, click the “get happy” button, and you’ll find out how happy your Tweets are.

Retweet Radar


You can get hourly, daily trends on hot terms, people and urls ‘retweet’ed on Twitter via retweetradar.



TweetCube allows you to share files on Twitter. Simple as that. Blast out your images, videos, music and more with just a couple of clicks, and your files are automatically posted on Twitter. The maximum file size you can upload is 10mb.



EasyTweets is an online marketing tool to promote and grow your business by leveraging the power of microblogging. You can use it to post to and switch between multiple Twitter accounts in seconds, check replies, and track new followers.



TweetStats can graph your Twitter Stats including Tweets per hour, Tweets per month, Tweet timeline, Reply statistics.



You can send an e-mail to your secret TwitterMail address. The body of the message will be published in your Twitter Profile. If a friend send you a post on twitter (by using @yourusername) it will send it to your email address.



HelloTxt lets you update your status and read your friends’ status across all main microblogging and social networks all at once.



One of the unique service that helps you to gift wrapped your tweets and send to your family, friends etc. This is really good to wish on any events or occasion to anyone in more fun way.



Twitturly is a service for tracking what URLs people are talking about as they talk about them on Twitter. On Twitturly, people “vote” for a URL. The more votes it gets the better it ranks. If it does well enough, it gets promoted to the home page and as the votes increase it gets displayed higher up the home page.

Tweet your secret

Tweet your secret

SecretTweet was created to allow Twitter users to share secrets anonymously.



Twuffer allows the Twitter user to compose a list of future tweets, and schedule their release.  You can tweet hourly/daily/monthly announcements.



TwitterCounter is a service for Bloggers, Social networkers and other well connected individuals to communicate and track the number of followers they have on Twitter.

Twits Near Me

Twits Near Me

Twits Near Me is very simple but interesting service that shows you what people near you are saying on twitter.



Twitbin is a firefox extension that allows you to keep up with all of your Twitter conversations right from your browser sidebar. Send messages, receive messages, share links, and more from Twitbin, the best twitter addon for firefox out there.

Commuter Feed

Commuter Feed

Commuter Feed is a free service that lets you post reports on traffic and transit delays in your local area using Twitter.



A real-time geographic visualization of posts to Twitter. You must have a location and an image defined to appear on the public feed.



Twessenger is a Twitter add-in for Windows Live Messenger. When enabled, Twessenger automatically updates your Messenger Personal Message at regular intervals to reflect your latest Twitter tweet.



Twitsay is just a simple service which lets you send 10 seconds of voicemessages to your Twitter account. Your data will be encrypted and stored in our database and is used to send your voicemessage to Twitter only.



You can schedule tweets and keep your Twitter stream ticking over with new tweets even when you’re not in front of your computer. Publish tweets when your international followers are online and you’re asleep. You can send automated thank you notes to new followers, and automatically follow new followers, if you choose to do so.



Twitterfeed is a free service that will automatically tweet any post directly via your rss feed on twitter that you publish on your blog.



This will help you see what discussions are current, and how interest in specific topics changes over time.  You can search all of Twitter, but sort the results by the people who get retweeted the most.



Twitlonger is a way to let you post to Twitter when 140 characters just isn’t enough. With Twitlonger, you can write what you need and a link to what you said will automatically be posted to your Twitter account.

My Tweeple 

My Tweeple

My Tweeple is a great way to manage all of my Twitter people in one place. You can easily see who are you following and who’s following you. With a simple click, You can follow, unfollow, or block people, and these changes instantly update Twitter.



Tweetburner is the webservice that lets you shorten URLs, post them to Twitter and follow statistics about them. Simply, Tweetburner lets you track what happens with the links you share on Twitter.

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