Now Keyword Research is Free with Yoast and SEMrush Integration 

How to integrate Yoast and SEMrush?

Semrush Free TrialNow Keyword Research is Free with Yoast and SEMrush Integration  1
As you know that Yoast is the most popular and comprehensive WordPress seo plugin. But SEMrush is a giant of keyword research in the seo industry. After Yoast and SEMrush Integration now they have partnered so Yoast  users can get related keyphrases feature on the WordPress, not only for premium users but for free Yoast users too. It means just a few clicks you will get valuable keyphrase suggestions on the WordPress post editor within the yoast section.

Now Keyword Research is Free with Yoast and SEMrush Integration  2

How It Works?

You need to just update the latest version of Yoast which is 15.1. After updating if you have a SEMrush account so just login when you see the popup it will connect together. But if you do not have a SEMrush account so just register and create for free. After you register and login, yoast seo will ask you permission to integrate the SEMrush account with Yoast then just click the approve button.
Grow your online visibilityNow Keyword Research is Free with Yoast and SEMrush Integration  3
Now Keyword Research is Free with Yoast and SEMrush Integration  4

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Lets go to the Yoast section of WordPress post editor you will see the tool in the top “select country” means which country do you want to rank. In the below there are columns that first show the Related keyphrase. In the volume column which shows the average volume of monthly searches of specific keyphrase for the last 12 months and after that the trends bar shows graphical views of related keyphrase. If you use a free SEMrush account it will allow you to 10 requests each day. If you want complete access to the SEMrush tool you need to upgrade your account.

Run a Full Website Scan in MinutesNow Keyword Research is Free with Yoast and SEMrush Integration  5 participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.