15 Free Amazing Photoshop Plugins

15 Free Amazing Photoshop Plugins

In this collection, we have a list of more than 15 free and amazing Photoshop plugins for you that you can download for free. Photoshop is a great tool for web designers. Its powerful and incredible features are what that makes it most preferred choice of web designers all over the world. Furthermore, the availability of several plugins that helps in extension of its already excellent capabilities and let you explore the full potential of the software.

9 Essential WordPress Cache plugins

9 Essential WordPress Cache plugins

Here is another collection of some WordPress plugins and for today’s collection, we have selected top 9 and most essential WordPress cache plugins that can tremendously expedite your website. These plugins will also deal with your most important concern as a blogger which is page loading speed of your website. We all know that a good speedy website is always in demand and visitors only stay on a website if it loads faster.

40 Free WordPress Newsletter Plugins

40 Free WordPress Newsletter Plugins

In this round up, we are presenting a wonderful compilation of 40 most useful WordPress email newsletter plugins for you. Adding newsletter widget to your website is one of the best plugins that you can include on your website. Such widgets allow you to connect with a particular consumer base on a regular level. Companies always find it a plus point to maintain a regular contact with their clients via bulk emails.

Top 40 WordPress Plugins For Blog Administrators

Top 40 WordPress Plugins For Blog Administrators

Blog administrators often find it difficult to handle their blog and this is the reason why different plugins are here. This time, we are presenting a list of 40 useful and most powerful WordPress plugins for blog administrators. These plugins will make your job easier for you and help you in organizing your blog more efficiently and manage your time as well.

40 Best Twitter Plugins For WordPress Users

40 Best Twitter Plugins For WordPress Users

Twitter is one of the most powerful social media platforms that millions of users are using on a daily basis. With an extensive growth of social media networks, it has become one of the crucial steps in the marketing strategy of any business whether it is online or offline. By integrating Twitter into other marketing avenue, any company can easily increase its revenue. But, using Twitter for marketing your website and its good or services can be time consuming and tedious. In order to reduce this exponentially tedious task, one can take help of plugins which are designed to save your time and energy.

50 Elegant Free Tumblr Themes And Widgets For Blogging Experience

50 Elegant Free Tumblr Themes And Widgets For Blogging Experience

Here we are featuring some exceptional and extremely beautiful Tumblr themes to enhance your Tumblr experience. We all have noticed that over the last few years, the popularity of Tumblr has greatly increased. Tumblr is pretty flexible, potent, and, most outstandingly, effortless to work with. Tumblr is a blogging platform that permits you to straightforwardly share everything from videos, photos, text, links or thoughts from a web browser, email or phone and it’s all customizable.

Icon Creator: Opera Widget To Easily Create Icons

Icon Creator: Opera Widget To Easily Create Icons

If you are an Opera (the web browser) user, then there are not many places to go for tips and tricks. Apparently the web is filled with Firefox addons and Chrome extensions. This is so because most people are not aware of the massive potential of Opera. Not only is it a lightning fast browser but it has rich library of widgets. Opera widgets are not only for average browsing users but also for web developers.icon-creator2
BuyWidget: Monetize Your Website By Helping Sell Music Online

BuyWidget: Monetize Your Website By Helping Sell Music Online

Are you running a website? One of the best ways to attract more traffic is to personalize your website. Most site owners do this by adding an “about me” section. While this is fine, sharing your musical preferences with the visiting community will help them relate to you. This in turn, will form loyal site followers.Now imagine sharing music by adding great quality songs in a web player on your website. Visitors can listen to the songs and purchase tracks / albums in this player widget. To make things even better, you get a percentage of each track / album sale.buywidget
10 Rock Solid Free Platforms To Start Your Successful Website

10 Rock Solid Free Platforms To Start Your Successful Website

Now a days, unlimited websites are coming live everyday to take part in the internet world. They can be classified in business sites, blogs, social networking sites, directories, forums, e-commerce sites and many more other creative ideas applied to do something that has never been done. Today, We are compiling a list of Ten Rock Solid Free Platforms To Start Your Successful Website. These free web applications can be use in diversified ways to get your customize results for your fresh and new websites. You can easily find their showcase of running websites to get inspiration and ideas.phpBB