7 Tools And Applications To Help You Save Electrical Power

7 Tools And Applications To Help You Save Electrical Power

Leaving our appliances on while we are not using them is a terrible waste of electrical power. There are parts of the world that do not have electricity at all; we should do our part to respect the resources we have and save them whenever / wherever we can.Below you will find a list of 7 tools to prevent wasting electrical power. I believe that each entry in the list serves a useful purpose; read about each one and choose the one (or more than one) that suits you best.AppliancesEnergyUse
9 Cool Websites You Need To Bookmark To Manipulate Your Photos

9 Cool Websites You Need To Bookmark To Manipulate Your Photos

The most fun way to use image manipulation technology is by using it on our own photographs. Morphing our photos can produce some very amusing results which will surely entertain us. Many websites offer image manipulation services. For you all I have gathered a list of 9 such entertaining website that let us have fun with our images. Check out each entry in the list and you will definitely find something that will manipulate photos to achieve amusing results.PhotoFunia
Supercharge Your Google Reader & Read Your Feeds In Style With FeedSquares (Chrome Extension)

Supercharge Your Google Reader & Read Your Feeds In Style With FeedSquares (Chrome Extension)

To read updates on the Blogger pages I am following, I use Google Reader. If you are unfamiliar with Reader, it is Google’s service that lets us read any Atom and RSS feed online or offline. Every since its main release in September 2007, it has been tried out many Google users and is now quite popular.Although I am happy with the convenience that Reader provides (the ability to read all our Atom plus RSS reads on a single dashboard) I feel that Reader’s interface could be revamped and made more visually appealing. One tool that achieves this is FeedSquares.feedsquares
HP Gloe Helps You Tag And Find Web Content Relevant To Any Location

HP Gloe Helps You Tag And Find Web Content Relevant To Any Location

Nowadays search engines are focusing on content that is relevant to a user’s location. But one cannot rely completely on results generated by any search engine. The results can be biased as search engine optimization techniques can be used by any site owner or blogger.HP is one company that has realized the unreliability of location-related search results on search engines. What they have produced as a result is their own geotagging (sort of) service, called Gloe.gloe
11 Websites To Help You Find iPhone App Reviews And Recommendations Easily

11 Websites To Help You Find iPhone App Reviews And Recommendations Easily

Apple has three major devices out that are in popular demand: iPod Touch, iPhone, and now the iPad. In addition to their hardware, what their owners love about them is the availibility of countless applications. From little tasks to big ones, applications for these devices can make jobs easier. Other applications are made for pure entertainment and make owning an iDevice all the more worthwhile.iphonelist3
Streamd.in, A Browser Based Twitter Client With Google Maps Integration

Streamd.in, A Browser Based Twitter Client With Google Maps Integration

Twitter has become a huge sharing source online. Accountholder on the social networking giant keep their followers posted of each and every thing that they experience. It cannot be argued that Twitter is a great way to know what people are talking about, what the trending topics are, and what is concerning Twitter users the most. This information keeps people well informed of their surroundings and the people in them.streamdin
NutShellMail Simplifies Your Online Social Life By Delivering You All In One Email Alerts

NutShellMail Simplifies Your Online Social Life By Delivering You All In One Email Alerts

I remember when my friends and I used only Orkut for social networking. Now many users have migrated over to other networks or use more than one social networking site. Of these multiple-networking-site users, most people have an account on Facebook and Twitter. These networks are very different from each other; simultaneously managing a Facebook and Twitter account by checking our notifications on each is quite time consuming and adversely affects our productivity.nutshellmail2
Aggregating and Sharing Web Links Made Easy With BagTheWeb

Aggregating and Sharing Web Links Made Easy With BagTheWeb

We can find content online on any subject; the internet has everything we are looking for. The information is usually distributed over a number of sources.Suppose we want to view all of Coldplay’s videos; there is no single URL that will have all the videos; we will need to visit multiple URLs. To share the videos, we will need to share all those URLs. The same can be applied to any other thing we are looking for – we will need to visit multiple URLs.bagtheweb1
MashPedia The Real-time Encyclopedia Searches Many Online Sources In One Go

MashPedia The Real-time Encyclopedia Searches Many Online Sources In One Go

The sources in most online encyclopedias are static. Take Wikipedia for example. User submitted articles on Wikipedia have fixed sources for their articles. A change in the source therefore can present a problem for that particular article.Suppose there was an encyclopedia with the latest sources accompanying its article on a subject. Not only will that be a great help to the encyclopedia’s user, but it would make the article more reliable as well.mashpedia3
3 Chrome Extensions To Enhance Your Grooveshark Music Listening Experience

3 Chrome Extensions To Enhance Your Grooveshark Music Listening Experience

Streaming music online lets us listen to any song without having anything stored on our computer. Moreover since the procedure takes place in our browser, it does not depend on our operating system so any OS user can stream music online.One wonderful online music streaming website is Grooveshark. Visitors can quickly create an account (although an account is not necessary to start streaming music), then go on and create their playlist. Playlists are played within the built-in player of Grooveshark.grooveshark
HeadMagnet Helps Remembering & Memorizing Names, Faces, Dates, Quotes and More

HeadMagnet Helps Remembering & Memorizing Names, Faces, Dates, Quotes and More

Our memory always loses some stuff that we do not use regularly. This is something all of us know. This is why some of us do not know fractions anymore and cannot explain them to our children; this is also why we cannot sometimes remember the names of certain celebrities or places.What we need is something that helps us revise everything we do not want to forget. What we need is Headmagnet.headmagnet
Learn New Things And Get Your Questions Answered With BlurtIt

Learn New Things And Get Your Questions Answered With BlurtIt

Are you wondering whether Robbie Williams like the color blue? Are you trying to find out how many molecules make up 2 grams of salt? For questions like these, the internet does not have direct sources that can provide us with clear answers. For example the Wikipedia page on Robbie Williams or Salt will not be helpful in finding the answer to the above mentioned questions.BlurtIt is a free website that lets users sign up and post their question online, on the BlurtIt forum. Unlike other forums, It is dedicated solely to answering people’s questions on any subject.blurtit
Highlight & Annotate Any Web Page Before Sharing With Webklipper

Highlight & Annotate Any Web Page Before Sharing With Webklipper

Suppose you just finished reading a hilarious comic strip online. To share this strip with your friends, you can deploy the URL of the comic on your social networking account. Adding any comments with the ‘share’ will only indicate what you felt about the strip as a whole. If you want to specify which part of the strip you liked you cannot do so without going into great details.What we need is a commenting tool that lets us add comments to webpages themselves. Our comments can be placed right next to the webpage area the comment is referring to. That way our contacts can read a part of the webpage and find out immediately what we thought about it. It can also be a way to highlight the most funny / interesting part of a webpage which our contacts can skip to.webklipper
Save Your Bookmarks As Browser Homepage Thumbnails & Access Anywhere With SiteHoover

Save Your Bookmarks As Browser Homepage Thumbnails & Access Anywhere With SiteHoover

A startpage is the thumbnails view of our favorite bookmarks. It helps us find bookmarks easily. Opera was the first browser that provided a startpage feature; now in addition to browsers supporting it, there are entire websites dedicated to the idea.Online startpages have the advantage of accessibility. A browser created startpage is only accessible from a specific computer whereas an online startpage can be accessed from anywhere. Having reviewed many startpage websites, I have observed that many of them are somewhat the same. Sitehoover, however, is one truly unique startpage website.sitehoover1
Tabzon: A Small And Easy In-Out Attendance Board For Offices

Tabzon: A Small And Easy In-Out Attendance Board For Offices

Different workplaces have different ways to mark an employee’s attendance. Sometimes a physical register is kept in which each employ signs in and out. Other workplaces use a fingerprint scanner or a code-entering gadget to mark attendance. Another way is for each employee to sign in via an email which can only be opened from the office.All these solutions are effective in marking attendance but are not effective in finding out where the employee is presently. In other words, if an employee is absent, the boss does not have a way to find the reason of absence.tabzon
Easily Make Collaborative Notes And Share With Various Social Media Sites With Sync.in

Easily Make Collaborative Notes And Share With Various Social Media Sites With Sync.in

Before online collaboration was more widely known, it might have seemed impossible for people who were far away from each to work as a group on a project. This ‘impossibility’ however was immediately done away with thanks to online collaboration.In case you do not know what the term means, online collaboration is a group of individuals working on the same file or document online. Everybody makes changes and edits to the documents and these changes can be viewed by other group members. Currently countless websites offer this service. One such website is Sync.in.syncin
Keep Track On Your Daily Life Activities, Money, Business And Traveling With 1DayLater

Keep Track On Your Daily Life Activities, Money, Business And Traveling With 1DayLater

Productivity equals success and any successful person will tell you that the key to productivity is taking measured steps. We should carefully monitor our activities according to the time and money we spend on them. After making our observations, their analysis will reveal which activities our resources are being concentrated on; having this information at hand can lead to better decision making and ultimately an improved lifestyle.All of this simply cannot be done using a physical diary. A computer is the best way to go. More specifically, 1DayLater is what you should use.1daylater1