UPrinting Website Sponsorship Programs

If you have a blog or work with non-profit websites, you need to read this post! UPrinting.com, an online printing company, is now offering two excellent sponsorship programs.

The first program sponsors bloggers with advertising revenue, sponsored giveaways and product reviews. The second program sponsors non-profits, charities and educational organizations with printing services, saving them thousands of dollars a year! Read on to learn how you can get your blog or non-profit website sponsored by UPrinting.com.

Blog Sponsorships


Finding a blog sponsor is easy with UPrinting.com! Bloggers of all types are welcome to join the program and have the opportunity to promote UPrinting’s services while expanding their own readership. The sponsorship offers bloggers free products to giveaway that are useful for designers, photographers and business people. Custom printed products such as business cards, single poster printing and canvas prints. For bloggers that qualify for BuySellAds banner advertising program, UPrinting works almost exclusively with their sponsored bloggers and provide a steady source of income. In addition, members are given a full support system within UPrinting’s private social network for bloggers and a dedicated sponsorship team to assist with blog promotions. Apply today or share this program with bloggers you admire.

Non-Profit Sponsorships


In a tough economy, non-profit organizations are vulnerable to financial hardship. Everyday operating expenses can be difficult to maintain. For those in need of non-profit printing sponsorship, UPrinting.com offers their UCommunity program. The program has worked with organizations like Heart Gallery of America, The Red Cross and Reef Check to support non-profit marketing and awareness campaigns with sponsored printing.

Applying for non-profit sponsorship is easy. Simply fill out the application form, select a sponsorship level and submit a copy of your 501(c)(3) certificate!

For more information on these programs, call 1-800-381-3441 to speak with marketing relations or visit www.uprinting.com

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