Ultimate Collection Of Google Adsense WordPress Plugins

Are you looking for some plugins that will help you insert Google Adsense to your WordPress blog or website? If your answer is yes and you have not found out anything useful till now then stop looking any further. We are presenting a useful collection of some high quality and best WordPress plugins for adding the Google Adsense ads to your website or blog.

Google Adsense does not need any introduction, or does it? Well, it is the most popular and widely accepted online contextual advertising program. With proper custom integration, you can easily and effortlessly increase your Adsense earning. So, try exploring these plugins and choose which one you would opt for. Enjoy!

Google AdSense Plugin

This plugin allows implementation of Google AdSense to your website.

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Ads in Right Bottom


Add Image banner ads, Flash banner ads, Text link ads, Custom Ads code (Google adsense, Yahoo Publisher Network, Adbrite, Clicksor…) in right bottom

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Google AdSense and Google Analytics Remover

Prevent Google AdSense ads from being displayed and remove Google Analytics, while you are logged into your WordPress blog.

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Awesome Ads – Google Adsense and Others

Awesome Ads is the easiest way to show Google Adsense and Chitika ads in your wordpress. You don’t need to copy and paste codes.

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AppAd Manager

Displays google adsense (or other ads) between posts in AppThemes Premium Themes.

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Better AdSense Targeting

Get better targeted ads from Google’s AdSense with this plugin. You can also have Google’s AdSense Ignore specific sections of your post by

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Global Content Blocks

Creates shortcodes to add HTML, PHP, forms, opt-ins, iframes, Adsense, code snippets, reusable objects, etc, to posts/pages and preserves formatting.

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Add To Post

Add To Post allows you to add additional content to either the start, end or both areas of your blog posts.

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Custom Ads Sidebar

Add HTML Code advertising to Sidebar. For each single post you will display a different ads.

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Google AdSense Companion – Install Google AdSense fast! Also, set a minimum price and Komoona will display ads if they beat your Google AdSense rate

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Eli’s WordCents adSense Widget with Analytics

Monetize your site with this adSense widget in your sidebar. Featuring pop-out fixed positioned ad widget and customizable adSense Analytics.

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All in One Adsense and YPN Pro

Automatically insert Google Adsense ads or YPN ads in to your posts on the fly.

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Quick Adsense

Quick Adsense offers a quicker & flexible way to insert Google Adsense or any Ads code into a blog post.

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Google Adsense Report PRO

Google Adsense Report: Your Google Adsense Account Report In Your WordPress.

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WP Auto Post ADS

WP Auto Post ADS: a plugin that allows you to add advertising (Adsense) automatically in your posts.

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Google Adsense and Hotel Booking

Insere automaticamente anúncios do Google Adsense e de Reservas de Hotéis. Automatically insert Google Adsense ads and Hotel Reservations.

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WP Simple Adsense Insertion

Easy to use WordPress plugin to insert Google Adsense to your WordPress posts, pages and sidebar.

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Quick Adsense cn

Quick Adsense is an Ads management WordPress plugin. It offers a quicker & flexible way to insert Adsense or any Ads code into a blog post. Besides, it can randomly place the Ads anywhere within a post. It comes with a simple setting page, and it does not overwhelm you with complicated customizable options.

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Lys Creation Google Adsense (Plugin) Widget

Google Adsense: EN: Automatic insertion. FR: Insertion automatique. IT: Inserimento automatico. ES: Inserción automática. PT: Inserção automática

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Best Google Adsense

Automatically insert Google Adsense ads. Insere automaticamente anúncios do Google Adsense.

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Awesome Google Adsense

Awesome Google Adsense is the easiest way to show Google Adsense ads in your wordpress. It’s awesome you don’t need to copy and paste codes.

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Really Simple Ad Injection

Really Simple Ad Injection plugin will help you automatically inject any kind of ad code inside your post content.

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Ad Manager

Manage ads on your website trough the WP dashboard.

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Ad Inserter

Integrate any HTML code into WordPress. Just paste the code and select the location and display mode. Perfect for AdSense or contextual Amazon ads.

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Adsense, Sape.ru, tnx.net/xap.ru, Begun.ru, admitad.com, mainlink.ru, linkfeed.ru, adskape.ru, Teasernet.com, Trustlink.ru, php exec and html inserts

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Google AdSense

Google AdSense showcases Google ads on your blog, with full customization.

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Simple Ads Manager

Advertisment rotation system with a flexible logic of displaying advertisements.

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Relevant AdSense Ads

Help Google AdSense distinguish what content is relevant on your website.

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Adsense Made Easy

Simple and easy Google Adsense Widget.

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Easy AdSense

Easy AdSense manages all aspects of AdSense: insert ads into posts and sidebar, and add a Google Search box. Easiest and most complete AdSense Plugin!

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AdSense Now

AdSense Now! gets you started with Google AdSense. No mess, no fuss. Simplest Google AdSense plugin.

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AdSense Manager

AdSense Manager lets you manage your ads from within WordPress. With support for AdSense, AdBrite and many more.

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SmashingApps.com participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.