The Easy Way To Create PDF With The ReportLab Toolkit

The ReportLab Open Source PDF library is a proven industry-strength PDF generating solution, that you can use for meeting your requirements and deadlines in enterprise reporting systems.

report lab Toolkit

This free Open Source PDF library is suitable for web publishers, developers or creative design professionals who need to quickly and easily create or automate complex (even data-driven) documents. It lets you create professional documents programmatically without being locked into one special technology and/or platform. It has grown over years in response to the real-world requirements of large financial institutions’ reporting needs, making it the trusted proven foundation of existing enterprise solutions rather than a just a fancy gimmick or interesting library.


  • Create professional portable documents
  • Real document layout engine (Platypus)
  • Flowable objects such as paragraphs, headlines, tables, images, graphics, etc.
  • Arbitrary Type-1 fonts
  • Bitmap images, vector graphics
  • Library of reusable primitive shapes
  • Extensible widget library
  • Uses Python, a clean OO language
  • Layered architecture
  • Includes simple demos and more complex tools
  • Allows for any data sources
  • Fully available source code
  • Strong community support
  • Platform-independent
  • Includes PythonPoint – PDF Presentation Tool participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.