Thank You Our Valued Sponsors To Be With Us In The Month Of September

This is a post in which we want to say a big Thank You to the SmashingApps’ fastest growing community for regularly visiting our blog. But how can we forget to say a Great Thank You to our valued sponsors who help us to make this blog possible in reach of everyone.

Do you want to get noticed? Advertise with us and feel the difference!

Smashing Apps always welcome new sponsors for our large and diversified visitor base from 188 countries. They are designers, developers, internet marketers, bloggers, IT entrepreneurs, etc. You will get noticed by the thousands of visitors every day. Moreover, a monthly recognition post to thank you as our valued sponsors. Are you really interested? Click here to contact us or see advertisement section for more information on advertising details.

This month, Our valued sponsors are:

theme forest
ThemeForest is a website from where you can buy and sell site templates and themes to skin popular CMS products like WordPress Drupal and Joomla. Files are priced from just five dollars, based on the complexity, quality and use of the file. Anyone is free to signup for an account and begin trading or purchasing files.


Premier Survey
Premier Survey is the users’ choice for free online survey management. This system, a powerful self-service application developed on the concept of Software As A Service (SAAS) is designed to minimize cost and maximize ease of use.

design jobs wall
Design Jobs on the Wall — a wall of creative people and job opportunities.

wp review site plugin
With WP Review Site, you can turn WordPress into a powerful review site engine, easily creating niche review sites for virtually anything — review products, services, websites, restaurants, hotels, credit cards, beer! This plugin adds star ratings to your comment forms, turning them into powerful Amazon-style customer reviews.

dolphin geeks
Dolphin Geeks specialized in Boonex Dolphin installation, upgrades and maintenance. As the Internet evolved into a platform of information sharing, Social Networking has become a key component in how individuals use the Internet. Many businesses see Social Networking as a way to develop contacts and facilitate communication between other individuals and businesses.

Templates Mission
Templates Mission is a premium source for high quality website templates, flash templates, flash intros, logo templates, corporate identities, and php-nuke themes.

Do you want us to say Thank You in this special way? So help us to help you!

You will just need to take a look at our advertisement section on how you can support SmashingApps to grow and spread more or contact us for more information and details related to

  • direct marketing
  • sponsored giveaways and contest for Smashing Apps readers
  • releasing a free font, a WordPress-theme, some wallpapers, an icon-set or anything else participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.