Now Control Your Twitter Accounts Via Email

Application developers have created many clients for various social media websites. Most of these clients are targeting at the Facebook and Twitter community. From what I have observed, Twitter clients outnumber the Facebook clients; but Twitter clients often lack originality. Many of these clients are similar to each other and do not offer anything special. Even if they do offer something special, Twitter catches up and makes that ‘special’ feature a built-in Twitter feature.

Because of all that, a unique Twitter application is a rarity which is what makes TweetyMail such a wonderful find.

TweetyMail is a free to use Twitter client that offers what no other Twitter client offers and its features will not be implemented by Twitter any time soon. With TweetyMail, Twitter users can control their accounts via email. This means that to perform almost any task, all you have to do is send an email to an email address; to receive any Twitter messages or updates, all you will have to do is check your email.


After creating a TweetyMail account by linking our Twitter account, we are supposed to link a valid email address to TweetyMail.


We then use our linked email address to send email to email addresses. The email address we send the mails to changes according to the task we want to perform. These email addresses can be seen in the image below.


TweetyMail is a very convenient way to handle our Twitter account. People who are trying to access Twitter on networks that have blocked the site will find this Twitter client to very helpful. participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.