Estimurl: Website Estimated Worth Finder And Analysis Tool

Estimurl: Website Estimated Worth Finder And Analysis Tool

Many professional bloggers start up their own websites. They then bring it up to a reputable level at which they begin receiving offers for the site. Determining what price would be fair for the site can be a little tricky. People value websites in various ways because there is no standard. But Estimurl is one service that provides its visitors with a fair and comprehensively calculated value of a site.estimurl
BuyWidget: Monetize Your Website By Helping Sell Music Online

BuyWidget: Monetize Your Website By Helping Sell Music Online

Are you running a website? One of the best ways to attract more traffic is to personalize your website. Most site owners do this by adding an “about me” section. While this is fine, sharing your musical preferences with the visiting community will help them relate to you. This in turn, will form loyal site followers.Now imagine sharing music by adding great quality songs in a web player on your website. Visitors can listen to the songs and purchase tracks / albums in this player widget. To make things even better, you get a percentage of each track / album sale.buywidget
microWorkers: A Quick Way To Earn Money By Doing Easy Micro Jobs

microWorkers: A Quick Way To Earn Money By Doing Easy Micro Jobs

Some of us have schedules that give us small breaks in our day. These breaks are usually spent doing pointless activities, just to pass our time. What if there was a way to earn money in the same free time, without investing any extra minutes? Converting our free and wasted time into something productive is something which surely everybody would want to do.For all such people, microWorkers is a wonderful website.microworkers3