12 Facebook Cheat Sheets And Infographics

12 Facebook Cheat Sheets And Infographics

In this round up, we have put together some high quality Facebook infographics and cheat sheets for you. Facebook is the most popular social media option on the Internet. With millions of users all across the world, Facebook is the number one social networking website, and it has become an integral part of the web ecosystem for the present time, either we love it or hate it but we cannot neglect this fact.

40 Infographics & Cheat Sheets For Social Media Marketers

40 Infographics & Cheat Sheets For Social Media Marketers

Today, social media is more than a platform for friends to meet. Businesses all over the world are taking advantage of social media platforms to market their goods, services, websites, tools or wares. Thousands of people use social media and spend many hours a day on different social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and so on. Social media is a powerful platform to market your goods and services whether you are running a big business or have just started up a small business. Social media is a sure way to success.

12 Exceptionally Amazing Yet Interactive Infographics

12 Exceptionally Amazing Yet Interactive Infographics

Infographics is a new term that refers to the graphical representation of information or data; and this is the reason why it is called as Infographics i.e. Information Graphics. With the development in the field of information technology, the sphere of digital information has also been amplified. With the help of Infographics, website owners can easily present plenty of information and large data through an effective graphical representation.

45 Informative And Extremely Creative Infographics

45 Informative And Extremely Creative Infographics

In this collection, we are presenting 45 extremely creative Infographics for you so that you can see how brilliantly you can also present your own Infographic designs. Infographics is the most preferred way to effectively and successfully communicate statistics and information with the readers in a more meaningful and readable way. The way Infographics have taken the web over the last few years is simply incredible.

11 Creatively Designed Digital Education Infographics

Today, we have put together 11 Infographics visualizing digital education. These days, due to the advancement in technology majority of students are dependent on the internet for their education, especially for the higher education. Internet has made the world a global village. Nowadays, higher education courses, high school courses and even some elementary classes are also provided through the internet.

14 Insightful Infographics To Demonstrate The State Of Blogosphere

Some bloggers wish that they can receive more profits from advertisers, whilst others are frequently concerned with the most excellent methods of sharing themselves with others. No matter the reason, infographics certainly assists you to review information about your blog distributions, readers’ trends, the blogging economy, and so forth. There’s no better approach to embody complex information like these in a visually pleasurable infographic.

34 Stunning Infographics To Understand The World Of Social Media

34 Stunning Infographics To Understand The World Of Social Media

Infographics is a new way of showing information through graphical representation. We recently posted some interesting posts on infographics that you can also find on the net. Infographics not only show the information in a neat and clean manner but also is very easy to understand. Through inforgraphics, a large amount of information can be presented in a well summarized format.

Infographic: Are You Addicted To Your Mobile Phone?

Infographic: Are You Addicted To Your Mobile Phone?

This infographic illustrates how the use of smartphones takes over our lives nowadays. It begins by highlighting background information and common use characteristics to establish why we use them in the first place. Then the infographic goes on to explore common scenarios leading to mobile phone addiction. In conclusion, for some people turning off your mobile phones to avoid addiction might not be the best idea, since the stress from not being able to communicate could just make things worse. The data used to create the infographic was originated from Europe, US and Worldwide.

Resume Designs (Like Infographics) That Can Stand Out In A Crowd

Resume Designs (Like Infographics) That Can Stand Out In A Crowd

What is the first step of getting your most desired job? Surely it is the resume that a candidate submits to the organization he wants to work with. Impressive resume always increase the chances of getting the formal interview call. Well-crafted and well-presented resumes not only stand you out as an ideal candidate but also demonstrate your professional level. Here we are featuring few resume cum infographics that can stand out in a crowd to give a better understanding of what goes in to show off your design chops. Take a look at this collection.

Around The World In 60 Seconds With Google Earth (Infographic)

Around The World In 60 Seconds With Google Earth (Infographic)

How large is one billion? One billion hours ago modern humans were living in the Stone Age. One billion minutes ago, the Roman Empire was flourishing. If you traveled from Earth to the Moon three times, your journey would measure one billion meters. Google Earth has been downloaded more than one billion times since it was first introduced in 2005. That’s more than one billion downloads of the Google Earth desktop client, mobile apps and the Google Earth plug-in—all enabling you to to explore the world in seconds, from Earth to Mars to the ocean floor.In order to celebrate it's 1 billionth download, Google Earth tapped JESS3 to create an infographic that highlights the ease and speed with which users can explore some of the most fascinating parts of the globe.

Infographic: The State Of Open Source Adoption

Infographic: The State Of Open Source Adoption

The goal of this infographic was to highlight assumptions and myths that the proprietary community might be existing under, namely, that open source was somehow inferior to proprietary software. But if you want to know the truth with facts and statistics so this graphic is for you. This infographic illustrated on the data collected in the surveys on systems management in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 to determine systems management usage trends among IT professionals who attended the USENIX Large Installation System Administration (LISA) conference.

Infographic: A (Hectic) Day In The Life Of A Graphic Designer

Infographic: A (Hectic) Day In The Life Of A Graphic Designer

The dream of a graphic designer is to create meaningful designs that communicate on a visual, intellectual and emotional level. It is the joy of being creative and having someone pay you to do it. But the reality of that dream is that it often comes with the heavy price on the creative soul. There are endless meetings, client revisions, committee-mandated direction, project managers who are frustrated art directors, long hours and often little recognition. These are the daily and universal struggles of a graphic designer and this is my loving tribute to those in the design trenches. May the creative concept never be forgotten and the good fight always be fought. If you are a graphic designer then this infographic is for you, or if you are not then no problem because you will enjoy this too.

The Internet Of Things (Infographic)

The Internet Of Things (Infographic)

This infographic provides a snapshot of how the number of connected devices has exploded since the birth of the Internet and the PC, as well as a glimpse forward to 2020. The Internet may be huge, but it's going to get alot bigger. According to infographic below, there will be 31 billion devices and 4 billion people will be connected to the internet by 2020.

The Internet In 2015 Is the Dawn Of Zettabyte Era (Infographic)

The Internet In 2015 Is the Dawn Of Zettabyte Era (Infographic)

Who would have thought that a little research project that was initially experimented for specific group of people called “ARPANET” will transform the world and get the revolution that will change the life of every individual. Started from early 1960′s to the 2011, it changes lots of faces and expanded like a spider web. But there are so many of us who love to see the statistics. The infographic below is an excellent representation of how much internet will grow in 2015?

The Environmental Impact Of Computing (Infographic)

The Environmental Impact Of Computing (Infographic)

It’s not that easy to believe and understand that computers and all the computer processes are killing our planet’s environment. Yes, you read it right, while majority of the global names are trying to incorporate eco-friendly green environment but at the same time any computing processes are destroying all those efforts. You will be amazed to know that an average PC monitor, when left on all the time, consumes upwards of 1,100 kilowatt-hour each year which is over 2 times more energy than a new refrigerator. This is one of the million examples. In this post, you can find below is a well designed and easy to understand example of infographic that shows The Environmental Impact Of Computing.