IE (Trident)+Firefox (Gecko)+Chrome.Safari (Webkit)=Lunascape, The World’s Only Triple Engine Browser

You spend most of your time in front of the computer doing internet, but may not have thought about what a browser can do and which browser is right for you. In reality, each browser is different in its own way. Lunascape is the world’s only triple engine browser. What this means is that you can have the best features, performance, and speed of Windows Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari all in one browser and can view any website in an optimal way without a need to open another browser and you know that using Lunascape is 100% free.


It’s standard set-up is highly multi-functional without installing a lot of add-ons and plug-ins. This browser has several highly effective tools for anyone working with web developing, especially in our bookmarklets. Although it is possible to add many features to other browsers through add-ons and plug-ins, many browsers tend to become slow and unstable as the number of these increase, because the add-ons and plug-ins search for updates every time the program is started. With Lunascape, all the features you need come standard, so start up is lightning fast. You can try to download here.

Lunascape certainly offers Mouse Gestures! You can set the functions you want for mouse movement while right clicking. Many people choose to make a movement to the left go “back”, a movement to the right go “forward”, and so forth. Once you have experienced the convenience of these mouse gestures, you will never be able to surf the web without them again.One of the biggest problems while browsing is crashing (when the browser is forced to automatically close). Lunascape comes equipped with crash prevention features. Only the problematic tab will be closed, preventing the crash of the browser itself in most situations. However, in the event that a crash does occur, Lunascape allows you to restart the program at the same pages you were viewing immediately before the crash.

A “bookmarklet” function that you can use to check a site’s source code without an HTML Editor comes standard. In the “Web Development” menu below, features such as “Style Test”, “Style Sheet Display” and “List of image without Alt Text” are also installed standard.

Lunascape bookmarklet

This feature allows you to set information you have registered in your favorites, RSS feeds, and tickers to be displayed as a pop up in the lower right hand corner of your screen (or elsewhere). These pop-ups will be displayed even if the browser is housed in the task tray so you won’t miss a thing.


With Lunascape, you can display up to 100 tabs and have very precise control over all of them. You also get highly convenient tab functions such as the ability to change rendering engines between tabs and make settings such as “View banking websites with Trident, and G-mail with Gecko”. When it comes to “fast” browsing, browser launch speed is also an important factor. Lunascape has been keen on improving this speed aspect as well.

Lunascape speed

Lunascape provides a useful tool for your Internet search. Enter words in the Search Bar, select the search engine you want to use in a pull-down list and get your results without type any URL. You can also add your own favorite search engine easily if it is not already listed. participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.