How Great Leaders are Made

For leaders, learning isn’t an academic pursuit. Leaders don’t just learn to know more and made like this; they learn to be more to be made. To find out how great leaders are made, Learning is a critical means to this important end and how they find the ideas that fuel their ongoing improvement. Here’s how the best leaders do it.

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8 Ways to Learn How Great Leaders are Made

#1 They make investigation and inquiry a way of life

In their classic book Leaders: Strategies For Taking Charge, Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus famously said that best leaders are readers. My friend Bill Byrne was on the cover of Fortune magazine as one of America’s 1% wealthiest entrepreneurs. He credits much of his success to his 15/15 program: he read 15 hours a week for 15 years. But just reading a book on any random topics is not a good choice to enhance the intellectual level so, they are quite careful and mindful in choosing their next book for reading time instead of just taking any book on the board without any beneficial reason to do this.

#2 They ask more and better questions of more and different people

The best leaders emulate the ancient city of Alexandria, where no ship was allowed to enter the port without surrendering its books to be copied. They query everyone who passes into their lives, hoping to add material to their learning arsenal. They actually never pay attention to those questions that may misguide the real issue towards anything that would damage the situation worsen than ever.

#3 They think for themselves

Just because the best leaders ask lots of questions doesn’t mean they accept what they learn at face value. Learn to consider what you learn with a healthy dose of skepticism. Actually best leaders think for themselves and for other at the same time to come up with more benefits for everyone around instead of leaving others behind while going forward. Best leaders believes on taking everyone on the flight to achieve the excellence.

#4 They choose critical thinking over the convenience of conjecture

An important characteristic of the best leaders are that they are the people who seek the truth. They want to act on factual information rather than speculation and conjecture. They ask, “How do I know this is true? Who says? How does it affect me?” But they avoid over thinking on anything to keep away wasting time on something that may lead them to place where they never want to go.

#5 They learn in future tense

Study for the future, not the past. Develop your learning agenda on what you will need to know to be successful, not what you used to need. But they use the past experiences with current situational facts to calculate the risk that would become challenge in future.

#6 They learn the most important stuff the fastest

When an area of knowledge becomes important, a modern expert is able to recognize the importance of that knowledge and glean what’s most important from it as fast as possible. But the best leaders never put their efforts and time on those things that are not critical to learn for the upcoming challenge.

#7 They design their own continuing education program

Unlike most people, the best leaders design their own curriculum on an ongoing basis for their life-long continuing education program to solve real world issues. In fact their real world problems are actually the diversified topics covering their ongoing continuing education program that excel their performance and intelligence day by day.

#8 They listen to their intuition

Intuition is a great bunk detector. As Robert Bernstein, former chairman of Random House Publishing, says, “In an age of information, only intuition can protect you from the most dangerous individual of all: the articulate incompetent. participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.
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