Hold The World In Your Hand With Google Earth For iPad

Google Earth, the world’s most famous virtual globe, map and geographic information program from Google is now available on the iPad. This news had been in the pipeline for a long time and now that it’s finally here, Google earth is sure to do wonders on the glorious multi-touch screen of the iPad.

The Google Earth app available now on the App store carries version 3.0 of the software and supports both the iPad and the iPhone.

Google Earth

The official description of the app reads as follows:

Hold the world in the palm of your hand. With Google Earth for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, you can fly to far corners of the planet with just the swipe of a finger. Explore the same global satellite and aerial imagery available in the desktop version of Google Earth, including high-resolution imagery for over half of the world’s population and a third of the world’s land mass.

With Google Earth, you can:


  • Navigate the world with a swipe of your finger
  • Swipe with two fingers to adjust your view to see mountainous terrain
  • Show the Panoramio layer and browse the millions of geo-located photos from around the world
  • View geo-located Wikipedia articles
  • Use the Location feature to fly to your current location
  • Search for cities, places, and business around the globe with Google Local Search


Google Earth 3.0 app’s official page can be accessed here.

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