Google Starts Inviting People To (Try And) Create Apps For Android Devices

At mid of this year, we told you about The Google App inventor. we told you about what it will do for user and how easily and useful its going to be for a non-programmers. Google were asking users, to fill a form and then anytime soon Google will start sending invitations to download and use this app. Today we are glad to tell you that Google has started sending invitation to download and install App Inventor via email.

Well, it’s still not a complete and final version of App Inventor, it is beta kind of thing as Google Says “App Inventor is currently available as an invitation-based beta product. We are limiting access in order to ensure that our systems can handle the load”.

Google Starts Inviting People To (Try And) Create Apps For Android Devices 1

So guys, download and install it, and simply attach your phone with your computer and start inventing apps using this App inventor. Its fun and happiness for non-programmer guys, but programmers will always be on top and will have more control over Apps no doubt.


If you have not applied yet then you can fill a form by clicking here. Google labs will be granting access to App Inventor over the coming weeks. While you are waiting feel free to read more about App Inventor and learn how it works. Check out this video to hear more about App Inventor for Android at University of San Francisco participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.