Get Discovered and Make Money Online With BloggersBase

What is it?

BloggersBase is a content discovery platform for both bloggers and readers, in the form of an online citizen-journalism magazine.

How does it work?

Each topic on BloggersBase is a multi-authored blog based on constant competition. Registering is FREE and allows you to compete, giving you a chance to get discovered and win money prizes.


What’s in it for me?


As a blogger, writer and journalist:

  • Easily submit any content of your choice – create new posts, take ones you’ve already published elsewhere, or redirect an RSS feed from your personal blog.
  • Get instant exposure to targeted readers, and drive more traffic to your own blog.
  • Monetize on your talent – BloggersBase awards each week $500 worth of prizes.

As a reader and consumer of UGC:

  • Get quality content that’s right for you on the topic of your choice – read just one blog on your topic of interest, co-authored by top bloggers.
  • If you want – reign supreme! Rate content submitted by bloggers on everything from professionalism through presentation to value. The algorithms at BloggersBase measure your expertise – the more accurately you rate, the higher your influence becomes in deciding which content makes it to the top!

Tell me more – why BloggersBase, what’s the pain?

There’s an overflow of user generated content on the Web – It is becoming harder and harder to sift through the vast amount of user-generated online content to find quality material. Moreover, if you’re an emerging blogger, this clutter also prevents you from getting discovered and reaching your audience.

Ok, so what’s your solution?

A competition-based discovery platform that rewards talented bloggers and brings readers professional, relevant and quality content on the Web, personalized according to their social connections and preferences.

Walk me through it.

As a blogger, not only can you take advantage of the unique opportunity to reach a targeted reader base instantly and receive ratings and critique from your readers, you can monetize on your talent as well in weekly competitions. At the end of each week the most acclaimed bloggers in each category earn the honor of co-authoring the main (surface) blog for their topic, resulting in respect and exposure, as well as cash and special prizes.

To do that, you must first register for free and submit a contender post to the blog of your choice. We call such contender posts “Nuggets” and in fact they are submitted under the surface, in the blog’s “Goldmine”. The Goldmine and Nuggets are still visible and accessible to all our users, which read, watch and rate your posts. At the end of each week, the most highly rated Nuggets promote their bloggers to the high visible surface. Now you have the chance to publish as many posts as you like and get a lot of exposure, as well as get a chance to win money prizes and continue co-authoring the surface blog. The top blogger on the surface blog wins $40, while the runner up gets $10 each week. However, if you are among the lower rated bloggers, you might have to return to the Goldmine and compete again for your place in the spotlight.

What else are you offering?

QT Payment

If you refer other quality bloggers to BloggersBase, you can increase your profit further when they are awarded prizes as well. Invite your friends to join by sending them a special invitation email, or by placing our banners on your site and we’ll remember you helped us grow: Each time one of “your” bloggers wins a prize, you’ll get the same prize too! Normally this will hold for up to 3 wins per blogger, but as a special promotion – sign up now and get up to 10 wins per blogger your refer!

Community Elements

There’s also much more – we have a lively community, which is easily accessible and allows better interaction among bloggers and readers. You can customize it, favoring some of the bloggers more than others as well as respecting the opinions of our raters. In the near future you’ll be able to use our personalization options to view BloggersBase in a unique manner for you, based on your preferences and community.

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