W3Counter is your free, hosted website analytics solution for answering the key questions about your website: who’s your audience, how they find your site, and what interests them. There’s no installation, no configuration, and tracking starts as soon as you copy-and-paste a snippet of code into your website.
See who’s talking about you, who’s linking to you, and what your visitors are clicking on now. Don’t wait a day or more for the latest reports â€â€? W3Counter shows you what’s happening as it happens. Click here to view competitor comparison chart.
- Follow Your Visitors
- Visitor Identification
- Navigation Tracking
- City-Level Visitor Maps
- Visitor Demographics
- Web Stats Widgets
- Customizable Tracking Image
A free account allows you to track one website and view nearly 30 real-time reports on your website activity. Many small website owners remain on the free plan. However, free accounts are limited to websites receiving under 5,000 daily page views. For more, You can signup with pro plan.
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