Make A Promise To Save The Environment In Your Own Way And Get 500GB File Hosting Account For Free

Make A Promise To Save The Environment In Your Own Way And Get 500GB File Hosting Account For Free

Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. If we do nothing to stop it, climate change will cause severe water shortages, rising sea levels will swallow cities, and pest outbreaks will sicken people and kill crops. One of the early signs we are already experiencing is an increase in extreme weather events such as destructive storms, drought and floods.SmashingApps and FileBanker are teaming up to do their part for the environment. Average American consumes more than 700 pounds of paper per year, highest compared to anywhere else in the world. Hundreds of thousands of trees are cut down per day to support the consumption of paper that can be easily avoided.SmashingApps believes that we can change that by helping people save and share their documents electronically instead of printing them out each time. We do not want you to print so much so we are offering 500 GB file hosting accounts for free at FileBanker. You will need to enter "smashingapps" in the promo code field. You can use these accounts to share all your documents without ever having to print anything.deforestation Allows Secure And Private Microblogging For Your Business Allows Secure And Private Microblogging For Your Business allows individuals to post short, frequent updates that are tracked or "followed" by others. Unlike Twitter, provides a secure and private way to share updates among members of a company, without them being visible to the outside world.PresentlyYou can keep your conversations focused by creating Groups for each project or topic of discussion. Users receive messages that are relevant to the topic at hand and are free to move between conversations as desired.
23 Brilliant Web Apps To Simplify Designers Work Life

23 Brilliant Web Apps To Simplify Designers Work Life

This is one of the very best list of its kind where you can find the simplest online web designer's tools that are developed for designers and may be very helpful for you as well when you want to get your work done or just for fun. I hope web designers will like this list, but you can also use them and will love them whether you are an office worker, a manager, a supervisor, a student, a home user, etc. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. This is the list of 23 Brilliant Web Apps To Simplify Designer’s Work Life. Just take a look at them and share your thought's here.Adobe-BrowserLab
Top 10 Free Software Download Sites

Top 10 Free Software Download Sites

Today we are listing here Top 10 Free Software Download Sites. There are many other sites are available for software download, but I just tried to list down some very popular sites that I like most. I hope these sites can help you to find and download the software you want to have with you. All of them are huge sites and full of useful software collection that you might looking
9 Free Web Apps From Microsoft You Might Not Know About

9 Free Web Apps From Microsoft You Might Not Know About

Now a days, it's really not hard to find free and online web service to perform your daily task but offering really useful and free online web applications from Microsoft is a great step. Today, we are discussing about some web tools from Microsoft. We hope this list will be helpful for for everyone and specially it could be useful for designer to developer, office worker, manager to supervisor, student to home user and so on. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features.Live Sync
5 Of The Best File Converters That Can Make Your Lives Easier

5 Of The Best File Converters That Can Make Your Lives Easier

This is the post where we are listing out few great free online file converters. We hope this list will be helpful for designer, developer, office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc. Because we make sure to add something interesting for everyone. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. Don’t forget to bookmark this post for your future reference and share your thought here.PDF-to-Excel Converter

15 (More) Free Web Tools To Simplify Your Work Life

In past, we have listed various free web apps that are really useful for any one of you. Today, we have a new post that has simplest free web apps that can really simplify your work life. Whether you are office worker, manager, supervisor, designer, developer, student, home user, etc. But we make sure to add something useful for everyone. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. Just take a look at them and share your thought here.tgethr
9 Free Apps That Makes Easy To Store And Share Your Files

9 Free Apps That Makes Easy To Store And Share Your Files

Free file hosting is not a problem now a days but to find a good and high speed website that can help you to send or receive your large files in an easier way is really hard. We also know that people have a love and hate relationship with free file hosting sites. Some file hosting sites are really handy and make sharing data even simpler than sending a file via email while other services spam you with countless pop ups and forced membership options to simply download a file. But we don't want you to worried at all. We have compiled a list of 9 Free Apps That Makes Easy To Store And Share Your Files.SkyDrive