The most irritating part of web browsing, when we suddenly come across a broken link and get a 404 error on our screens. It’s a dead end to a surfing tour which hits the user’s nerves to the extent of exiting your webpage, sometimes, forever. However, error 404 is something unavoidable. They occur and we just have to live with them.
But some folks have found a way to have fun with them. Where 404 is an imminent flaw, it’s also a perfect device to increase your tendency at creativity. Designers are now having fun with customizing error pages, making them acceptable with a fun message and imagery to guide back to home-page. Thus error pages are now a fun part of web designing and creativity.And they are indeed fun enough; here are some recommended examples of Inspiring 404 Error Pages for inspiration kick!
—————-Recommendations, Please continue reading below—————-
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