DoYouBuzz Can Help You Easily Create Customizable Resume and Spread It Across Social Networks

DoYouBuzz Can Help You Easily Create Customizable Resume and Spread It Across Social Networks

People whose work involves computers need to have an online version of their resumes a.k.a. curricula vita. If you plan on uploading an online CV furnished in Microsoft Word, you will not stand out from the crowd. You need a resume that is brilliant and eye catching. DoYouBuzz can help with that.DoYouBuzz is a wonderful website that helps you create an online resume within minutes. The site features free and paid accounts. While you can take full advantage of the site’s services only through the paid account, the free version will be a good place to start.more_design-visu_us
Digital Product Delivery: Selling Products Online Is Not That Hard, As We Assume!

Digital Product Delivery: Selling Products Online Is Not That Hard, As We Assume!

Selling digital products on the Internet can look like an overwhelming and expensive endeavor. However, with the right tools, knowledge, and experience, it is very feasible to make a remarkably viable online marketplace in a matter of a few clicks of the mouse. Significantly helping to streamline and simplify the process for online marketers while still offering a wealth of features and options is DPD. Standing for Digital Product Delivery, it is a comprehensive e-commerce utility for people who want to sell digital products on the web.getdpd1
BuyWidget: Monetize Your Website By Helping Sell Music Online

BuyWidget: Monetize Your Website By Helping Sell Music Online

Are you running a website? One of the best ways to attract more traffic is to personalize your website. Most site owners do this by adding an “about me” section. While this is fine, sharing your musical preferences with the visiting community will help them relate to you. This in turn, will form loyal site followers.Now imagine sharing music by adding great quality songs in a web player on your website. Visitors can listen to the songs and purchase tracks / albums in this player widget. To make things even better, you get a percentage of each track / album sale.buywidget
MashPedia The Real-time Encyclopedia Searches Many Online Sources In One Go

MashPedia The Real-time Encyclopedia Searches Many Online Sources In One Go

The sources in most online encyclopedias are static. Take Wikipedia for example. User submitted articles on Wikipedia have fixed sources for their articles. A change in the source therefore can present a problem for that particular article.Suppose there was an encyclopedia with the latest sources accompanying its article on a subject. Not only will that be a great help to the encyclopedia’s user, but it would make the article more reliable as well.mashpedia3
microWorkers: A Quick Way To Earn Money By Doing Easy Micro Jobs

microWorkers: A Quick Way To Earn Money By Doing Easy Micro Jobs

Some of us have schedules that give us small breaks in our day. These breaks are usually spent doing pointless activities, just to pass our time. What if there was a way to earn money in the same free time, without investing any extra minutes? Converting our free and wasted time into something productive is something which surely everybody would want to do.For all such people, microWorkers is a wonderful website.microworkers3
Tabzon: A Small And Easy In-Out Attendance Board For Offices

Tabzon: A Small And Easy In-Out Attendance Board For Offices

Different workplaces have different ways to mark an employee’s attendance. Sometimes a physical register is kept in which each employ signs in and out. Other workplaces use a fingerprint scanner or a code-entering gadget to mark attendance. Another way is for each employee to sign in via an email which can only be opened from the office.All these solutions are effective in marking attendance but are not effective in finding out where the employee is presently. In other words, if an employee is absent, the boss does not have a way to find the reason of absence.tabzon
Create HTML Forms Online With Formsite

Create HTML Forms Online With Formsite

If you wish to create dynamic HTML forms that you can use to collect data or conduct surveys, Formsite may suit your needs. Formsite allows you to build forms for a number of different cases including registration, reservation, product evaluation, order placement etc. With Formsite, you can build and publish dynamic and professional forms within minutes. It provides a number of ready made form templates that you can use to create your forms, or alternatively it gives you a tool to create your own customized forms. Once your form is submitted and you get the responses, you can statistically analyze the results and download your data for offline processing.
11 Useful Open-Source Apps You Should Know About

11 Useful Open-Source Apps You Should Know About

Today, we are listing another collection of open-source applications that you probably want to know to use in your daily life or did not know before. Today, we are listing another collection of open-source applications that you probably want to know to use in your daily life or did not know before. You may not find them between the top of the list projects and many of projects are not listed here but over all the list has variety of projects for every one to run their business process in a much cost effective way. This is the list of 11 Useful Open-Source Apps You Should Know About.OrangeHRMOrangeHRMFree and open source human resource management software with rich features and easy to use interface. It provides a perfect platform for re-engineering and aligning your HR processes along with the organizational goals.