Discover The Best Of The Web In August 2008

We are always in the search of great free resources, tips and tricks, etc for our readers. Every day, we work hard to find new resources and show them here for you. Today, we are starting another great section Discover The Best Of The Web on In this, we will find and make a list for the best of the web for the whole month. Maybe, we cannot cover all of the best from around the web but we will try our best to cover as much as possible.

You are welcome to share if you know more best of the web in the month of august which our readers/viewers may like.

Design Tips, Tricks and Tutorial

Colorful Glowing Text Effect

Colorful Glowing Text Effect

40 Dark and Futuristic Photoshop Effects


40 Dark and Futuristic Photoshop Effects

30+ Nicest Photoshop Photo Tutorials, Part II

30+ Nicest Photoshop Photo Tutorials, Part II

35 Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Your Own Posters

35 Photoshop Tutorials for Designing Your Own Posters

Artwork, Digital Photography and Inspiration

The Showcase of Brilliant Pattern Designs

The Showcase of Brilliant Pattern Designs

Single-Page Portfolio Sites

Single-Page Portfolio Sites

Web Design: Illustration

Web Design: Illustration

50+ High-impact Illustrated Vector Posters

50+ High-impact Illustrated Vector Posters

20 Stunningly Colorful Commercial Designers

20 Stunningly Colorful Commercial Designers

30 Impressive Colour Spectrum and Rainbow Wallpapers

30 Impressive Colour Spectrum and Rainbow Wallpapers

31 Websites Using Wood Elements

31 Websites Using Wood Elements

Javascript and Ajax

A study in Ajax Web trends. What are the best Free Ajax Resources?

A study in Ajax Web trends. What are the best Free Ajax Resources? (70 of the Best Ajax Resources).

5 Useful Coding Solutions For Designers and Developers


19 CSS Menu Tutorials to Spice Up Your Web Designs

19 CSS Menu Tutorials to Spice Up Your Web Designs

40+ CSS/JS Styling and Functionality Techniques

CSS/JS Styling and Functionality Techniques

12 Great CSS Resources: From Inspiration to Implementation


13 Sources for Background Patterns and Textures

13 Sources for Background Patterns and Textures

Adobe AIR Apps for Web Designers

10 Adobe AIR Apps for Web Designers

30 Free High Quality WordPress Themes

30 Free High Quality WordPress Themes

Retro Photoshop Brushes And Vector Images – Giant Design Pack

Click here to read  12 Top-notch Technology Brands on Amazon (& How They Are Different from Each Others)

Retro Photoshop Brushes And Vector Images - Giant Design Pack

Retro Photoshop Brushes And Vector Images – Giant Design Pack

High Quality .PSD Files and Tutorials

200+ Photoshop Brushes for Light, Sparkles

200+ Photoshop Brushes for Light, Sparkles

10 Awesome typewriter fonts for web designers

10 Awesome typewriter fonts for web designers

Miscellaneous Articles

14 of the Most Useful Web Design Blogs

14 of the Most Useful Web Design Blogs

Top 5 Graphic Design Forums

9 Of The Best Ways To Present A Website To A Client

10 Amazing Visualizations of Social Networks

9 Web Developers That MUST Be Followed On Twitter participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.