Depositphotos – With Awesome New Design And 4 MILLION Stock Images is the fastest growing stock photo agency in the world. It has more than four million stock photographs and vector images sold under royalty- free licenses. (To be exact it had 44, 759, 54 total stock images at the time of writing of this article.) This means once you buy an image from Depositphotos you don’t ever need to pay them again for the same image in the name of taxes or royalties. After a one time payment, images can be used for your purposes – lifelong!


A free subscription plan is available by which you may download a maximum of 5 stock images per day for a period of 7 days. This means you get 35 images absolutely free! And the wonderful thing is that these free images are also royalty-free and can be used just as the paid ones. Also, the free images can be chosen from the entire library of more than 4 million images!

Costs and Payments

The cost of images is very commercial. It begins from only 0.5 US $. There are at least four ways by which you may buy images from Depositphotos. Click here for details on subscription plans.


Payment options are numerous. All major credit cards like Visa, Master Card, American Express are acceptable. Similarly all major merchant accounts like PayPal, moneybookers, webmoney are acceptable.

New Design

On 29th Sep 2011, the site has unveiled a major update in design.

“It’s essential to organize your page logically so that viewers can scan it easily… put the most important information near the top, in larger type, and with plenty of white space surrounding it. “

Remember, you’re not trying to stuff as much as possible on a single page – you’re trying to cover what’s important for the topic at hand. If you have lots of material to cover, or more topics to deal with, you can easily make more pages and link them to this one.”

– Ed Tittel and Steve James HTML For Dummies; first edition; chapter seven.

Depositphotos seems to have taken this advice as a hardcore rule to build their new design. The home page seems to have enough space to “breathe” easily now.

New Home Page of Depoitphotos


Old Home Page of Depositphotos


The authorities of Depositphotos claim that their new look will give “10 times better performance”. To check this claim I made a small test.

The word “blog” returned 4568 results in 7.33 seconds on Depositphotos with excellent quality images. Indeed the performance is increased 10 folds.


The results were totally relevant with the search that I did. This is because of the extended search functionality and an updated website core. Every word from an image title is now used in determining the image rank in search results.

Every image size now has its own file type description and a separate download button. The new design enables you to buy an image just by clicking a button!

All dimensions of all browsing devices are compatible with the new design. The best fit starts from 1024 X 768 and higher resolutions are unlimited. participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.