Why You Should Have A vCard And Examples Of Personal vCards To Inspire You

Some of you may actually be wondering what a 'vCard' is. It is an increasingly popular 'mini' one-page website that basically acts as an online business card; an online hub focusing completely on you. I say a vCard is one-page, but in actual fact that's not entirely true. A lot of these modern virtual business cards use jQuery effects, allowing you to automatically scroll to the rest of the cards content which is usually hidden from the human eye. So, a hub, eh? There are actually several good reasons why you should have a vCard website.

10 Free Tools For Effective Project Management

Project management is the process by which projects are defined, planned, monitored, controlled and delivered such that the agreed benefits are realised. Projects are unique, transient endeavours undertaken to achieve a desired outcome. Projects bring about change and project management is recognised as the most efficient way of managing such change. It includes the techniques & tools used to describe, control & deliver a series of activities with given deliverables, timeframes & budgets.
KENTICO CMS For ASP.NET: An All-In-One Solution For Your Web Site And Now With Free Editon Too

KENTICO CMS For ASP.NET: An All-In-One Solution For Your Web Site And Now With Free Editon Too

Kentico CMS for ASP.NET is a powerful and fully featured Content Management System. This robust and stable CMS can be used for building and maintaining websites including Intranets, Online Stores and Social Community Networks using the Web 2.0 features on the ASP.NET platform. In addition it comes with a Free Edition that might be used even for commercial purposes!image001
The Three Best Group Messaging Free Web Apps

The Three Best Group Messaging Free Web Apps

Today, we are listing The Three Best Group Messaging Free Web Apps. These would be very helpful for you when you want to send out announcement to the group of employees, friends etc. You are designer, developer, office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc but we hope that these are worth checking for all of you. Most of them are not very well known but they are really amazing in respect to their features. Just take a look at them and share your thoughts here.DialMyCalls
8 (More) Desktop Applications That Designers May Want To Know

8 (More) Desktop Applications That Designers May Want To Know

This is one of the very best list of its kind where you can find the simplest desktop applications that may be very helpful for you as well when you want to get your work done or just for fun. I hope web designers will like this list, but you can also use them and will love them whether you are an office worker, a manager, a supervisor, a student, a home user, etc. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. This is the list of8 (More) Desktop Applications That Designers May Want To Know. Just take a look at them and share your thought’s hereComparePSD
Eight Must-Have Open Source Applications

Eight Must-Have Open Source Applications

Today, we are listing The Eight Open Source Applications That Are Absolutely Useful. These would be very helpful for you when you have no budget to purchase commercial software to use in your daily life. You are designer, developer, office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc but we hope that these are worth checking for all of you. Most of them are not very well known but they are really amazing in respect to their features. Just take a look at them and share your thoughts here.PDF-Split-and-Merge
The Six Best Online Note Taking Apps You Would Love To Know

The Six Best Online Note Taking Apps You Would Love To Know

Today, we are listing The Six Best Online Note Taking Apps You Would Love To Know. These would be very helpful for you to write, organize and share your notes. If you are designer, developer, office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc but we hope that these are worth checking for all of you. Most of them are not very well known but they are really amazing in respect to their features. Just take a look at them and share your thoughts here.Springnote
14 iPhone Clients That Would Actually Make Your Lives Easier

14 iPhone Clients That Would Actually Make Your Lives Easier

This is one of the very best list of its kind where you can find the iPhone clients of must-have popular tools. I hope everyone of you will love these apps whether you are an office worker, a manager, a supervisor, a student, a home user, designer, developer etc. This is the list of The 14 iPhone Clients That Would Actually Make Your Lives Easier. Just take a look at them and share your thought’s here.


Comindwork, The Most Customizable Suit Of Flexible To-Dos, Wiki, Emails – With Gantt Charts, MS Project And Workflows

Comindwork SaaS improves the knowledge work productivity in projects performed by workgroups in professional service firms (e.g. software, advertising & marketing, consulting, lawyers, NGO) and by divisions within enterprises (e.g. support, marketing, R&D, upper management). It's simple and clear time tracker interface provides project managers with a quick overview on time management issues.Comindwork
11 Amazing Free Web Applications To Make Your Lives Easier

11 Amazing Free Web Applications To Make Your Lives Easier

This is one of the useful list of its kind where you can find the must have online web apps that may be very helpful for you as well when you want to get your work. I hope web designers and developers will like this list, but you can also use them and will love them whether you are an office worker, a manager, a supervisor, a student, a home user, etc. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. This is the list of11 Free Online Apps That Could Make Your Lives Easier. Just take a look at them and share your thought’s here.we-transfer

69 Coolest Web Apps Of 2009

The year 2009 is almost ended. We have explored and reviewed so many useful tools and resources for you all the year. Today, we are going to take a look on few of the web apps we have featured that we think you would like bookmark for 2010. I hope designers, developers and programmers will like this list, but you can also use them and will love them whether you are an office worker, a manager, a supervisor, a student, a home user, etc. They are really amazing in respect to their features. This is the list of 69 Coolest Web Apps Of 2009 at Work. Just take a look at them and share your thought’s here.Photoshop
Let’s Share, Collaborate And Communicate With Glasscubes

Let’s Share, Collaborate And Communicate With Glasscubes

Glasscubes brings together a collection of online collaboration tools which facilitate better team working and improved communication. It will help you to replace email or existing methods of collaborating by using their online collaboration tools that simply enable users to improve how they work together. Glasscubes is perfect for small/medium size organizations, teams and people organizing projects.Glasscubes

Five Tools To Help You Simplify Your Communication Process At Work

This is one of the useful list of its kind where you can find the must have online web apps that may be very helpful for you when you want to get your work done. I hope designers, developers and programmers will like this list, but you can also use them and will love them whether you are an office worker, a manager, a supervisor, a student, a home user, etc. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. This is the list of Five Tools To Simplify Your Communication Process at Work. Just take a look at them and share your thought’s here.Concept-Feedback-screenshot
Now Its Incredibly Easy To Schedule And Lead Great Meetings With TimeBridge

Now Its Incredibly Easy To Schedule And Lead Great Meetings With TimeBridge

Is your meeting on track? Don’t just guesstimate. Try using TimeBridge to stick to your agenda, capture outcomes, and leave the meeting ready for action. TimeBridge is a web application that makes it incredibly easy to schedule and lead great meetings and follow up after you meet. This could be your best tool for calendar-wrangling, agenda-making, note-taking, team-motivating and a secret weapon in the battle against workplace inefficiency.TimeBridge
10 Online Financial Tools To Manage Your Money Quickly And Easily

10 Online Financial Tools To Manage Your Money Quickly And Easily

From managing company expanses to invoicing to clients and from personal finance to home budgeting. Whatever the case but good financial management starts with good planning.And there are many free financial tools available that are offering you hassle free and simple way to manage your finance. In this post, we are listing down 10 Online Financial Tools To Manage Your Money Quickly And Easily. Whether you are designer, developer, office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc. We have tried to add something interesting for everyone. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. Just take a look at them and share your thought here.mint
21 Free Web Apps That Can Make Your Lives Easier

21 Free Web Apps That Can Make Your Lives Easier

This is one of the useful list of its kind where you can find the must have online web apps that may be very helpful for you as well when you want to get your work. I hope web designers and developers will like this list, but you can also use them and will love them whether you are an office worker, a manager, a supervisor, a student, a home user, etc. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. This is the list of 21 Free Web Apps That Can Make Your Lives Easier. Just take a look at them and share your thought’s here.