, A Browser Based Twitter Client With Google Maps Integration, A Browser Based Twitter Client With Google Maps Integration

Twitter has become a huge sharing source online. Accountholder on the social networking giant keep their followers posted of each and every thing that they experience. It cannot be argued that Twitter is a great way to know what people are talking about, what the trending topics are, and what is concerning Twitter users the most. This information keeps people well informed of their surroundings and the people in them.streamdin
Hide Tabs In Chrome With A Click Of A Button

Hide Tabs In Chrome With A Click Of A Button

Workplaces can be boring especially if we finish our work early. Usually we turn to the internet to entertain us when the boredom gets too much to take. But the Boss’s fear makes us tread cautiously. We need to keep an eye out for our superiors passing by. If they do pass by, we close our browser and resultantly lose all the tabs we had open. Finding those lost URLs can take a lot of time if there were many tabs open.PanicButton
How To Decorate Any Web Page With Preferred Color Schemes

How To Decorate Any Web Page With Preferred Color Schemes

While websites may allow us to choose from certain available themes, visitors to a site do not have the liberty to change the site’s color scheme. This is disadvantageous for the visitor in case the site’s existing color scheme makes it difficult for the visitor to read text.Whether you want to change a site’s color scheme because of this problem or because you want to have fun, you can do so via Webpage Decorator.Settings
How To Easily View And Manage Downloads From Status Bar In Firefox

How To Easily View And Manage Downloads From Status Bar In Firefox

Most download managers show us a semitransparent floating window. This window indicates the progress of our current downloads. Firefox, unfortunately, does not have this brilliant feature. To view the progress of our downloads we need to have the Downloads window in Firefox in view; surfing the web in other tabs and continuing with our work thus becomes very difficult unless we are fine with being unaware of our downloads’ progress.Options
What Internet Explorer 9 Can Do For You? Let’s Take A Test Drive To Find Out

What Internet Explorer 9 Can Do For You? Let’s Take A Test Drive To Find Out

Internet Explorer 9 will be the next version of Internet Explorer. The first public preview of IE9 was released on 16th of March, 2010 and as Microsoft promised the release of preview every 8th week, the 2nd preview of IE9 was released on 5th May, 2010. You can grab the new Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview by visiting the Internet Explorer 9 Test Drive website. General Manager for Internet Explorer, Dean Hachamovitch, has posted to the IEBlog about Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview 2 you can get detailed idea of what it will be like, he discussed some test results with IE9 like with SunSpider JavaScript, Acid3, API Usage, and CSS3.Frank_D2D_2
3 Chrome Extensions To Enhance Your Grooveshark Music Listening Experience

3 Chrome Extensions To Enhance Your Grooveshark Music Listening Experience

Streaming music online lets us listen to any song without having anything stored on our computer. Moreover since the procedure takes place in our browser, it does not depend on our operating system so any OS user can stream music online.One wonderful online music streaming website is Grooveshark. Visitors can quickly create an account (although an account is not necessary to start streaming music), then go on and create their playlist. Playlists are played within the built-in player of Grooveshark.grooveshark
BYTubeD Makes It Easier Than Ever To Download Multiple Youtube Videos In One Go

BYTubeD Makes It Easier Than Ever To Download Multiple Youtube Videos In One Go

Streaming videos online is a great way to kill our time. We often find humorous videos that are bound to cheer us up. Sometimes we stream these videos to view what our favorite band’s latest video looks like; at other time we stream educational video to increase our general knowledge. Whatever the purpose of our video streaming, YouTube is the site to visit.At times after watching a video on YouTube, users want to download it and store it on their computer for easy access later (and also to transfer it to their phone or portable media player). There are numerous tools to perform this task; their main functioning involves the user entering the YouTube video’s URL in the program, after which the download proceeds.Videos
Save Your Bookmarks As Browser Homepage Thumbnails & Access Anywhere With SiteHoover

Save Your Bookmarks As Browser Homepage Thumbnails & Access Anywhere With SiteHoover

A startpage is the thumbnails view of our favorite bookmarks. It helps us find bookmarks easily. Opera was the first browser that provided a startpage feature; now in addition to browsers supporting it, there are entire websites dedicated to the idea.Online startpages have the advantage of accessibility. A browser created startpage is only accessible from a specific computer whereas an online startpage can be accessed from anywhere. Having reviewed many startpage websites, I have observed that many of them are somewhat the same. Sitehoover, however, is one truly unique startpage website.sitehoover1
Open Chrome Windows Into A Singular Chrome Window With JoinTabs

Open Chrome Windows Into A Singular Chrome Window With JoinTabs

Tabbed browsing allows us to save a lot of space in the Taskbar. Each new browser window takes up space in the Taskbar. Tabbed browsing makes sure only one browser window is open; this occupies the least space on the Taskbar. We can then open as many webpages we want in this single window using tabs.However sometimes when we click a link in some other program or even within our open browser window, it opens in a new browser window, rendering tabbed browsing useless. We need a way to merge all tabs being used into one browser window rather than spreading them out into multiple windows.Merge
Get Quick And Easy Access To Your Favorite Bookmarks With Iconized

Get Quick And Easy Access To Your Favorite Bookmarks With Iconized

Modern web browsers for desktops and laptops often have a bookmarks bar where we can place shortcuts to our favorite websites. The point is to have these bookmarks always accessible and not need to click any extra links or buttons to get to them.Since the space on the bookmarks bar is limited, we need to be careful about which websites we add on it. If we add too many websites, our shortcuts on the bar become scrollable and in addition to clicking an extra button to reach our shortcut, it becomes more difficult to find our desired bookmark.A quick fix for this problem comes in Iconized Bookmarks Popup.icoNizer
Add Unsorted Bookmarks Folder Menu In Firefox To Categories Unsorted Bookmarks

Add Unsorted Bookmarks Folder Menu In Firefox To Categories Unsorted Bookmarks

While it is undoubtedly one of the most stable and impressive internet browsers out there, Firefox still has a considerable journey ahead to become the best browser. This journey is significantly shortened by developers from all over the world who contribute to the Mozilla project by creating wonderful add-ons. These add-ons, plug-ins, and extensions improve the overall functionality of Firefox making it a lot more pleasurable to use.History
5 Must-Have Firefox Extensions For Bloggers

5 Must-Have Firefox Extensions For Bloggers

Do you own a website or blog? Does your job involve search engine optimization of any sort? If you answered yes, then Firefox should be your default internet browser. I say this because of Firefox’s amazing array of add-ons to make life easier for bloggers and webmasters.If you need some convincing, then read on my gathered list of 5 add-ons which will greatly help you do your job once you switch over to Firefox. If Firefox is already your default browser of choice, then just read each entry carefully and see how each add-on can enhance Firefox for your web tasks.maps
View Hundreds Of Channels From Around The World In Chrome With TV Chrome

View Hundreds Of Channels From Around The World In Chrome With TV Chrome

Recently I was thinking how to initiate recording a TV channel via Windows 7 Media Center. The problem was that I needed to do this remotely, in case I was not at home, remembered that a series I liked was being aired on TV, and wanted it recorded. After much extensive searching, I finally found an application called Remote Potato.Setting up Remote Potato was no child’s play and it took me quite some time. I am still not satisfied with it. When I told a fellow blogger about my predicament, he asked “But if you can access the internet while you’re away from home, why not simply use it to view television online?” I asked him what he meant and he answered “TV Chrome.”Channels
7 Great Chrome Extensions To Make Your Life Easier

7 Great Chrome Extensions To Make Your Life Easier

You might have been using Chrome for a quite some time now but there is a good chance you are not taking its full advantage. Chrome’s maximum potential lies in the power of its extensions. Below I have gathered 7 Chrome extensions that will enable you all to realize Chrome’s full potential. You will not find these extensions in similar lists on other websites; I hope you find them to be useful to your computer usage.Give the list a thorough reading, try out any extension you are interested in, and let me know in the comments how they worked out for you.toomanytabs
How To Organize/View Your Feeds In A Magazine Like Start Pages In Chrome

How To Organize/View Your Feeds In A Magazine Like Start Pages In Chrome

Recently I came across a great website titled Fav4. It provides users with a four thumbnail shortcuts to websites. The websites can be selected from a list of the most social media websites. Fav4 has an appealing look and can serve as a great clutter-free start-page for any user.But what if I need a start-page that does not only provide me a link to my most frequented sites, but also extracts the latest updates from them and shows them all to me neatly? I asked a blogger friend about this and his suggestion was more than satisfactory: Feedly.smashingapps
9 Insanely Useful Firefox Add-Ons That Will Save Your Time

9 Insanely Useful Firefox Add-Ons That Will Save Your Time

As we all know that Firefox is the fastest growing popular web browser and its growing more and more every day. There are too many handy options provided by the firefox and this is the main reason for its popularity. You can easily find lots of free download able firefox add-ons and extensions that are available on the internet, we also featured few of them before and it’s demands are increasing. In this post, I am listing down9 Insanely Useful Firefox Add-ons That Will Save Your Time . I would love to know at least one of your most favorite firefox add-0n that saves your time and could be the part of this list.Feedly
5 Great Extensions To Manage Various Tasks On Google Chrome

5 Great Extensions To Manage Various Tasks On Google Chrome

From opening a new tab to restoring or saving our session, we perform various tasks in our internet browsers. Sometimes these tasks are present in the browser in an already convenient enough manner to make life easier for the user. But at other times, in the form of extensions and add-ons, third-party developers make these browser tasks easier for us.Since I use Chrome most of the time, I gathered 5 browser extensions which I think most Chrome users will appreciate. These extensions facilitate users in different ways, from saving our browsing sessions and managing our tabs to letting us choose hotkey shortcuts.Toomanytabs
9 Powerful Firefox Add-Ons That Can Save Your Time

9 Powerful Firefox Add-Ons That Can Save Your Time

As we all know that Firefox is the fastest growing popular web browser and its growing more and more every day. There are too many handy options provided by the firefox and this is the main reason for its popularity. You can easily find lots of free download able firefox add-ons and extensions that are available on the internet, we also featured few of them before and it's demands are increasing. In this post, I am listing down 9 Powerful Firefox Add-Ons That Can Save Your Time.WOT-Safe- Browsing-Tool