5 Free Tools To Download Or Create Movie Subtitles

5 Free Tools To Download Or Create Movie Subtitles

The subtitles for a movie serve an important purpose. If your hearing is impaired or if you do not speak the language used in a movie, reading the subtitles can greatly help in keeping up with what goes on in every scene. If you have rented a DVD, chances are that it includes subtitles. But if you have downloaded a movie it might not have subtitles accompanying it.To get subtitles for movies and TV shows, there are a number of free tools available online. These tools help you obtain subtitles and, in some cases, let you add subtitles of your own. Check out the list of 5 such tools that we have gathered below.
Soundation: Full Fledge Browser Based Music Mixing Web App

Soundation: Full Fledge Browser Based Music Mixing Web App

If you are looking for a way to create music, you no longer need to master any instrument. All you need to know is how to use a computer and visit Soundation.Soundation is a free to use website that provides sound loops and an interactive UI to play with those loops. You can overlap loops, modify their speeds, and do many other neat things to create wonderful new tracks. Although a signup is not required, it is better if you do register for an account. You sign up on the homepage of the site. When you first log in you are presented with numerous purchasable sound loop packs.soundation2
BlogRadio: A Tool To Convert RSS Feeds Into Audio

BlogRadio: A Tool To Convert RSS Feeds Into Audio

RSS feeds are a great way to catch up on website updates. You can simply have the RSS feed view all the latest material on a site without having to look for it manually. However reading many RSS feeds can get a little too tiresome for the eyes because of the extensive reading. To ease your management of RSS feeds, give BlogRadio a try.blogradio
AudioBox.fm: Store & Access Your Music Anywhere With AudioBox Cloud Music Player

AudioBox.fm: Store & Access Your Music Anywhere With AudioBox Cloud Music Player

If you are an avid music fan like me, you will surely love the application I have got for you today. Today all music is electronically stores and there is a good chance that all your music collection exists as mp3 files. Mp3 files are portable and can be carried around in flash drives as well as cellphones and mp3 players. But what if you have none of these things with you and only the internet? What if you want to listen to your favorite songs?audiobox-cloud
Cut MP3: An Introduction To Full Fledged Online MP3 Cutter

Cut MP3: An Introduction To Full Fledged Online MP3 Cutter

Before I started using torrents, I used to download songs from websites like MP3Raid. When I downloaded these songs, I transferred them onto my cellphone for later listening. However some of the songs were quite long and I wanted to cut them short. For this I used an MP3 editor to cut out a portion of the song. Even now when I have to extract a portion of the song for later listening or to set it as my ringtone, I use the MP3 editor which I have installed on my computer.cutmp32

15 Most Popular Free Software I Am Thankful For

Today, we are going to say big Thank You to everyone who support us, appreciate us, love us and always be there for us when we need them. So, how can we forget those that makes our computer life easier and did the tremendous work for us. They delivered us those applications/softwares that help us to get the routine work done for our daily use. There are many that we can not count and list down exactly but we are tried to make a list of 15 Most Popular Free Software I Am Thankful For. And Yes! Happy Thanksgiving all of you too...Blender