An Artistic Look At The iPhone 5 Speculation [Infographic]

Apple products like Mac, iPhone, iPod, iPad etc always keep their positions in the technology news. Now a days, everyone is looking at the upcoming release of iPhone 5 and many people has different insights about it which they are sharing with the world. These unofficial insights about iPhone 5 are getting it to the higher level of popularity in the form of rumors before it will hit the market. Here, you can find below is an easy to understand example of infographic that covers almost all of the rumors going around about the upcoming iPhone 5 in an artistic form. In this graphic, you can see chances of new features expressed in percentages. Don’t forget to check out our previous post where we published An Extensive Rumor Roundup About iPhone 5 (Infographic).

The credit goes to Infographiclabs who compiled all of these rumors about iPhone 5 in an amazing infographic. We would love to know what you are thinking while viewing this infographic. Do you want to be the first one to know the latest happenings at just subscribe to our rss feed and you can follow us on twitter.

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