Photo Manipulation is a continually developing collaboration between photography, graphic design and digital editing. It is a process of mixing certain elements and produces an exceptional image that can influence even the most skilled set of eyes.
This is not as easy as it sounds; it requires a very creative set of skills in Photoshop and other tool and also a hell lot of patience. Photo manipulation is an excellent source of inspiration since designers have expressed their creativeness all the way through assorted aspects of design. Here we have collected some amazing examples of photo manipulation. Enjoy!
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In this tutorial, artist will show you how to create your unique wallpapers using photo manipulation. Using some images you’ll learn how to blend in different landscapes creating a surreal effect.
How to Create Glass Transparency in a Cute Photo Manipulation
In this tutorial We will learn a good technique for incorporating glass transparency into photo manipulations, while placing
How to Make a Melting Camera Scene
In this tutorial, we will use the Layer Mask Tool and Liquify filter to “melt” the camera. Artist recommend you work with a tablet for this one (it makes your work easier), but if you don’t have one it is also possible to go through this tutorial. Let’s start!
Create a Nature Inspired Photo Manipulation
Design Dark Sea Ship Photomanipulation Scene
It is shown in this tutorial on how to make design a dark sea ship photo manipulation scene.
How to Create a Fantasy Landscape Photo Manipulation
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a fantasy landscape using some simple and easy techniques. Everyone with basic Photoshop skills can succeed to recreate this simple image using the most important thing in this kind of photo manipulation – the right stock. So let’s go!
Design an Epic Fantasy Scene with Photoshop
In this tutorial we are going to create a photo manipulation inspired by Valhalla, one of Mariusz Karasiewicz`s works. He is an amazing artist and his work is absolutly stunning. I want to thank him for allowing me to write this tutorial.
Create an Explosive Cover with Precise Photo Manipulation Techniques
In this tutorial, we’re going to make a creative illustration in a style meant for a video game cover or sci-fi book cover. We’ll create this with mostly photo manipulation techniques. With some cool Photoshop options you can turn all the photos you chose, into one stunning looking explosive cover.
Blissful Landscape Photo Manipulation
Create a breath taking scenery by combining two photos and applying several photo effects. When you follow this Photoshop tutorial, you’ll learn masking techniques and several photo effects.
Animal King Photo Manipulation
In this photoshop tutorial, you’ll learn how to mash up a series of photos in a highly creative poster based on a famous painting from the 1800’s. Let’s get started!
Making of the Magical Heroes of 10Steps.SG
Let us do something different this week! We will be creating a game poster with magical theme. This tutorial shows how to draw a sword from scratch and also introducing some of the latest high quality brushes on the internet.
How to Create a Photo Manipulation of a Flooded City Scene
In this tutorial, we will learn how to manipulate a simple photo into a flooding torrent of a scene. We’ll use some relatively simple techniques to give this image a semi-realistic, stylized feel. Let’s get started!
Alien Invasion
How to Create a Slice of Nature Photo Manipulation
Today I’m going to show you how to put together a complex tree illustration. The idea for this tutorial is to show a workflow from concept to finish, not just so you can copy this illustration, but so that you can take the ideas behind it and use them for any design you have. It’s not just the finished design but the process we are after.
How To Create a Futuristic Sci-Fi Scene
In this tutorial, I will guide you through the steps to create a futuristic sci-fi scene. We will transform original pictures using Photoshop tools that will help to give the image a more spectacular look
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