For designers finding a free nice font is sometimes very difficult. But why are you worried if we are here to let you inform with the latest free designers and developers? Today, we introduce you with Font Cubes. Its a place where you’ll find the best free PC fonts and free Mac Fonts from the best font artists in the world. The fonts listed in their free font collection are their author’s property.
You can see the fonts in alphabetically order, top downloaded, popular fonts, top rated fonts and newest fonts
Download of any font does not require any registration but if you are Registering as a member, it will allow you to access Font Cubes’s unique font management system that were made for designer’s uses. By registering, you could keep track on your favourite fonts by fontmarking them and asside of that, you could also use the system to keep track of font you have used in your project. If you’re a font author, feel free to signup and publish your work to other users.
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