Free file hosting is not a problem now a days but to find a good and high speed website that can help you to send or receive your large files in an easier way is really hard. We also know that people have a love and hate relationship with free file hosting sites. Some file hosting sites are really handy and make sharing data even simpler than sending a file via email while other services spam you with countless pop ups and forced membership options to simply download a file. But we don’t want you to worried at all. We have compiled a list of 9 Free Apps That Makes Easy To Store And Share Your Files.
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—————————–Recommendations; Please continue reading below——————————
ASUS Chromebook C223 11.6″ HD Laptop Shop Now
This Asus HD Laptop is an amazon’s choice for ‘chrome computer laptop’ is reviewed by 980+ reviewers that is available at only $249.99. It is ready for productivity and performance while being on the go or travelling, with speedy performance, robust security, and convenience for the user. This laptop has Lightweight 2.2 pound body and with thin and premium metallic finish for a sleek appearance having 11.6 inch HD 1366×768 Anti-Glare Display. The machine is powered by the Intel Celeron N3350 Processor (2M Cache, up to 2.4GHz) for fast and snappy performance including 4 GB DDR3 RAM; 32GB eMMC hard drive; No CD or DVD drive with it. Learn more about this product >>>
Windows Live SkyDrive works well on any Windows or Macintosh computer with Firefox 1.5 or higher, or Internet Explorer 6 or higher. 5 GB of free online storage, available from any computer with Internet access. You can create personal, shared, and public folders and you can decide who has access to each folder.
It’s really easy to upload all your photo, documents, videos and music to DivShare. You can create slideshows, audio playlists, flash videos and online document viewers that you can embed anywhere.
OpenDrive is a remote drive for your computer, that allows you to store, share or back up files from your computer on the Internet. You can store anything and share it with anyone, right from your desktop.
Wuala is a free social online storage which allows its users to securely store, backup, and access files from anywhere and to share files easily with friends, groups, and the world. Tens of thousands of users and thousands of communities around the world are already actively sharing millions of files, growing quickly.
Store & Share is a secure, online storage facility. This fantastic product is open to everyone – you don’t need to be a Sky customer. You can access from any computer with an internet connection and can share with friends and family.
With Yuntaa, You can manage all your files online, just like you would on your desktop! They automatically recognise all your file types and categorize them for you. Files, Photos, Videos, Audios, access them all with a single click.
ADrive offers complete and secure solutions to store, backup, share, access, and edit files from virtually anywhere, at any time. ADrive serves as an online, centralized vault for all important file types including: music, videos, photos, documents, and more.
With zSHARE you can upload files, images, videos, audio and flash for free. Simply use the upload form below and start sharing. You can also use zSHARE as your personal file storage to backup your data and protect your files.
At Orbitfiles, there is plenty of space to store videos, photos or any other type of file safely & easily. This will also help you to send large files to your friends fast & securely, never email them again.
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