8 Eye-Popping images Created Purely In CSS3

In this roundup, we are showcasing 9 logos and objects which are created with pure CSS for your inspiration. With the help of the CSS, you can easily create your own wonderful logos and objects without any difficulty.

We hope that this list proves to be the best for you. Feel free to share this list with your friends as well and also let us know what you think about this compilation. Here is the full list. Click through and feel free to download. Enjoy!

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Olympic Rings

Doug Neiner created the Olympic logo with the border-radius property, which is used often to create rounded boxes.


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YouTube Logo

This YouTube logo was created using a background gradient and some text shadows.

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Tag Link Button

With CSS you can build scalable tag links with any type of background. This code snippet relies on SCSS but it can be compiled and edited as regular CSS if needed.

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Pepsi Logo

This is the first in a new, experimental CSS3 series within which I will be attempting to re-create a famous brand logo each week without the aid of any images, using only CSS.

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Adidas Originals

No images were harmed in the making of this logo. Pure CSS3 and HTML rendering!

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Pure CSS Twitter Fail Whale

This design does just that to create the undulating waves, flapping wings, and rising and falling whale.

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Full Solar System

Here is a true time scaled solar-system, which means that every objects have a time relative to an Earth year. You can change the number in second of the $year-in-second variable to increase the speed of revolutions. Here 1 year = 30 seconds.

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Expanding Photo Stack

The HTML only relies on a single div container with anchor links around each photo.

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