7 Free Tools To More Hard Disk Space On Your Windows

There are time when you run out of the space and your computer is constantly alerting you to free up some of the space by deleting and uninstalling some applications. This is when your computer performance is slowed down considerably. Even after uninstalling applications, you notice that you are not getting that much space. This is because of the fact that mere uninstallation cannot delete or remover certain files that remain in the hard disk of the computer.

In this round up, we are showcasing 7 useful and amazing software to free more hard disk space on Windows. These software scan, detect and find these space-hogging files so you can get them out of the system. So here is the full list after the jump. We hope that you would like this and find these software useful for you. Enjoy!


Optimize your mobile platforms for maximum battery life without sacrificing performance. Now you can keep going longer and charge less often.

7 Free Tools To More Hard Disk Space On Your Windows 1



SpaceSniffer is a freeWare and portable tool application that lets you understand how folders and files are structured on your disks.

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PNG compression app for Windows. Uses PNGOUT, OptiPNG, and DeflOpt to create the smallest PNGs, without sacrificing any image quality.’

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DoubleKiller is a fast and easy to use application for finding and removing duplicate files.

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TreeSize Free

Quickly Scan Directory Sizes and Find Space Hogs.

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UnCleaner is a specialist software designed to remove all unnecessary files on the computer.

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WinDirStat is a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for various versions of Microsoft Windows.

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