55 Terrific Cinema 4D Tutorials & Techniques

Cinema 4D is getting very popular day by day mainly due to the body paint functionality. It has artist friendly interface with a customizable work flow. Many films like Spiderman 3, Monster House, Chronicles of Narnia, Beowulf, Polar Express and Superman Returns also used Cinema 4D to present a long lasting effect. People also used Cinema 4D in motion graphics because of its excellent integration with compositing application pipelines. The most useful thing about Cinema 4D is its instinctive interface and sound work flow that lets an artist to jump in and be creative and dynamic swiftly. In this post we have gathered 55 excellent tutorials which we will greatly help you to create some beautiful 3D graphics.

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Making of Super Snail

This work is fully modeled and rendered in Cinema 4D. Artist have used BodyPaint and Photoshop for the textures.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

How to Create Explosive Typographic Effects in Cinema 4D


In this tutorial artist will walk through the steps he used to create this illustration to bring alive the word “collide.”

Cinema 4D Tutorials

3D Abstract Tentacle Tutorial

Tutorial on how to make tentacles like this in the image using cinema 4D 😉

Cinema 4D Tutorials


How to create a 3D type effect using Cinema 4d and Photoshop.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Creating a Ball Bearing using Arrays

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a ball bearing using an Array Object. You will also learn about the use of the Taper object, Fillet option and Bevel function.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Creating a Line Object Render

In this tutorial you will learn how to create great looking Line Renders using extruding and deformers, line renders are amazing looking renders that are often used on wallpapers or photo manipulations.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Modeling a Car using Blueprints

In this massive tutorial you will learn how to model a car using blueprints, points and the bridge tool. Basic Cinema 4D knowledge is required for this tutorial!

Cinema 4D Tutorials

On/Off Switch

Enable or disable multiple objects at with one click Increase viewport speed and animation playback.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Modeling a Zebra

Here’s the Zebra 3D modeling tutorial by Pupi for Cinema 4D. And the Great thing is, you can download his 3D model for FREE!

Cinema 4D Tutorials

3D Toys Animation

Learn the animation basics and looping in Cinema 4D.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Font Explode

In this tutorial you will learn how to create an explosive type effect!

Cinema 4D Tutorials


In this tutorial you will learn How to create an animated dotted line stroke.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

The “UV-Map Dirtmap Baker” Tutorial

Cinema 4D veteran Peter Hofmann aka peXel presents us with this handy tutorial covering the following topics: How to get a “clean” UV – Map, How to calculate a Dirt – Map, How to work with Baker.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Little Planet

In this tutorial we’re going to use Cinema 4d to create the 3d text like in the image above. Feel free to use the software of your choice, this is a technique that can be easily duplicated in other 3D apps.

Cinema 4D Tutorials


In this tutorial we will learn how much powerful procedurals are, and also some basics regarding shading/lighting.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Making an Hourglass

This tutorial will teach you to make a great sandglass, which you can use for plenty of purposes. You can find the finished model and other stuff from there.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Peanut Can BASIC Tutorial

Just a quick, easy dirty way to create a peanut can (or most types of cans with lids for that matter) in cinema 4D. Again its more about how easy the actual model and geometry is compared to the actual texturing.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Daylight tutorial

This amazing 3d scene, entitled Daylight, was created by Carles Piles. Read how the scene was created in the tutorial below.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Creating Car Tires

This tutorial will teach you how to make beautiful car tires step by step.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Texturing Objects and Lights in Cinema 4D

In this tutorial, artist will go though the steps in texturing objects in Cinema 4D. He also play with using textures to actually light the scene.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Shattering Glass

In this 3 tutorial series we’ll look at how to build a glass shatter effect, based on a recent project for Damages 2, using Illustrator, After Effects and Cinema 4D. This section includes capturing the template in After Effects, paths in Illustrator and setting up imported splines as polygons in Cinema 4D.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Modeling a Piano

This tutorial will show you how to make awesome model of piano.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Create 3D objects in Cinema 4D from vector art

This is a video tutorial on taking vector art and importing it into Cinema 4D to create a 3D object that can be animated, textured, and manipulated in 3D space. In this tutorial, written by David from filmmakingcentral.com he shows you exactly how to do this.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

How i do my Materials

In this tutorial you will learn how to create awesome matterial, that can be very useful for your upcoming tasks.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Create a UFO in C4D

In this tutorial artist will show you how to create a basic textured disc shape and then drop it into an Array Object where you can create an epic looking UFO.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Skyline R34 Starter Tutorial

Although in this tutorial does not cover entire car, only the bonnet, fender and door, hope that you will learn lots of techniques in this tutorial.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

3D E-Book-Cover

In this tutorial you will learn how to make E Book Cover step by step.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Armor plates C4D tutorial

A great step by step tutorial on Armor plates.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Simple UFO Tutorial

Nothing fancy, but it could help someone, somewhere, somehow, this tutorial iGrass Tutorial Cinema 4Ds written for Cinema 4D, but could easily be adapted for any other 3D app out there.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Classy Glassy Balls

Tutorial made for Cinema 4d but can be applied to almost any 3d rendering program.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Area Light and Ambient Light

In this Cinema 4D tutorial, he get into lighting a scene with the Ambient Light and Area Light CS Tools.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Egg Modeling Tutorial

Tutorial made for Cinema 4d but can be applied to almost any 3d rendering program.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Trash Can Tutorial

This tutorial shows how to make a simple modern trash can or “abstract” form you can use in your scenery, it also serves as practice for extrude tools and getting familiar with them.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Cinema 4d Low Poly Gun Tutorial

Wanna make something like this in Cinema 4D R8 and Unwrap 3D? so this tutorial is best for this.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Making 3D Bullet Case

This week, artist will show you how to make your own geometry easily. Although almost every 3D application can perform the same task, he will use Maxon’s Cinema 4D.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Interior Part 2

A detaild and very comprehensive tutorial about Interior.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Grass Tutorial Cinema 4D

This tutorial will show you how to make beautiful grass.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

City tutorial

A very useful Tutorial that how you can make a city buildings.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Bart Simpson

A detailed and step by step tutorial that will teach you lots of techniques.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

A Recipe for Skin

In this tutorial Artist will examine a few different strategies for achieving a realistic skin shader in Cinema 4D. Skin has a particular quality that sets it apart from ordinary surfaces: it is luminously translucent.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Bulb Modelling Tutorial

A very detailed and step by step tutorial on how to create electric bulb.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Cinema 4D + Poser tutorial

Beautiful tutorial and its mixture of Cinema 4D and Poser.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Cinema 4D Diamonds Tutorial

Not for complete beginners as artist made it pretty quick, but those of you that know the basics should understand.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Arq02 – Lamps

Mindblwoing tutorial and you will learn in this how to make a beautiful Lamp.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Ipod Video-Tutorial

Great tutorial on Ipod Making.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Dvd Player Tutorial Part 1

Part 1 of 3 video tutorials for Cinema 4D showing how to model a Dvd Player.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Green Abstract Tutorial

Create this abstract with the easiest way!

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Create an Amazing Liquid Apple Effect in RealFlow, Cinema 4D, and After Effects

Learn the animation basics and looping in Cinema 4D.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Model, Texture, and Render an Interior Scene With Cinema 4D and VRay

In this beginner/ intermediate level tutorial, you will learn how to create and render a realistic interior scene in Cinema 4D and Vray. In this tutorial you will focus on modeling the room and all of the furniture, and the second on materials, lights, rendering, and post production.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

How to Export 3d Camera Data from Cinema 4D into After Effects

When it comes to motion graphics, exporting camera data from a 3D program to a 2D compositing program is one of the most important techniques you could know. In this tutorial, you will learn the basics behind getting Cinema 4D and After Effects to talk to one another, including using exporting tags, using the camera data in After Effects within 3D layers and effects, and how to set up and tweak your render for the best results.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Create Mac OSX Intro Video with C4D

In this tutorial Satya Meka will walk us through Cinema 4D and how to create the 3d text in this effect.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Making of Portrait of a Silent Man

In this tutorial Patrick Eischen is going to show you how he created his image “Portrait of a silent man” using Cinema 4D and ZBrush.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Rolling Red Carpet

How to a rolling carpet and text effect in Cinema 4d.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Paper Crumple Tutorial in Cinema 4D

This tutorial shows you how to create an animation that makes a piece a paper crumple into a ball with no keyframes at all. It uses the cloth tag.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

Making a glass and a wine bottle with C4D

This tutorial demonstrates ways to make a glass, its materials and the content inside the glass. Artist made the model in c4d r9, but It can be done with lower versions.

Cinema 4D Tutorials

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