Icons are the most important and essential part of any web design and therefore must be designed with great precision and professionalism, as it can make or ruin the whole image you are trying to create. Many people pay a handsome amount to get their icon set designed professionally. On the other hand, there is a vast variety of icons that are available for free downloading on the internet. Despite that, you will always need custom icons so that you can get hold of exactly what you want.
In this post, we are showcasing a collection of 50 excellent icon design tutorials for you so that you can learn how to design a custom icon that fulfills your requirements. All these tutorials are quite detailed and will definitely get you through the process of designing an icon.
Create an Iconic Retro-Modern Ball Chair in Photoshop
In this detailed tutorial we will learn how to create this iconic piece of furniture from scratch in Photoshop. Let’s get started!
Design a Stylish Mail Icon in Photoshop
In this tutorial we will take you through the steps and techniques of creating a golden compass. For this tutorial we have used just Adobe Illustrator and a heavy dose of ingenuity. Let’s get stared!
Photoshop Puma Sheet Torch Logo Icon
In this tutorial we will be teaching you about How to Create Photoshop Puma Sheet Torch Logo Icon.
How to Illustrate an Auction Gavel Icon
In this tutorial, we have used 3D-modeling, Gradients, Blends, and Gradient Meshes for creating this picture. Let’s get started!
Create a Semi-Realistic Oil Barrel Illustration
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a semi-realistic oil barrel illustration. First, we’ll use several rectangles along with some professional pixel perfect vector shape building techniques to create the starting shapes.
How to Create a Stylish Wireless Phone
In this tutorial you will learn how to make a great looking Wireless Phone. You will be using Offset Path and various gradients to create a three dimensional phone with realistic highlights and reflections.
Create a Business Icon from Scratch an Adobe Illustrator Tutorial
In this tutorial we are going to create an interesting business icon that consists of two arrows and a globe in this Adobe Illustrator tutorial. The techniques we are going to describe is applicable for creation other kinds of illustrations as well.
Create a High-Gloss Graduation Hat Icon Design
Photoshop is great to use for creating quality icon designs. In this tutorial, we will teach you how to make a professional, shiny, clean graduation hat icon. The techniques in this tutorial will help you graduate to the next level in icon design.
How to Use the Perspective Grid to Create a Modern TV
In this tutorial you will learn how to create your own modern TV on a stand. Using the Perspective Grid in Illustrator CS5 as the basis of your work you will learn how to quickly create a product illustration with perfect perspective.
Create a Mobile App Icon in Photoshop
In this part, we will explain how to design an icon for your mobile device’s home screen. Let’s get started!
Make A Glossy Flash Drive Icon From Scratch
In this tutorial we are going to create a Flash Drive image which can be used as an icon or added to your design project.
How to Create a Beautiful Printer Icon in Photoshop
In this tutorial you will learn how to create this beautiful printer icon with reflections and shadows all within Photoshop. A detailed PSD is included with this tutorial.
How to Create a Social Media UFO Icon
In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a completely unique UFO inspired social media icon based on a theme. Let’s get started!
Create a Leather-Textured, Realistic Briefcase Icon
Our goal for this tutorial is to draw a realistic leather briefcase entirely from scratch. We’ll use Photoshop’s amazing layer styles and incredible brush engine to create textured leather, convincing stitches and gold-plated locks. Let’s get started!
How to Create an Envelope Icon in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you’ll go through easy steps for creating a nice envelope icon. There’s a light use of the Pen Tool in the tutorial, but most of it uses Selection Tools to create this icon. The stamp is also explained in a simple manner. We am sure you’ll get familiar with some useful techniques as you go through!
Create a 3D Industrial-style Download Icon in Photoshop
This tutorial teaches you how to create a unique 3D download folder icon with textures. Learn some useful techniques for creating more visually impressive 3D icons.
Creating a Set of Digital Painting Icons
In this tutorial we will create a pen tablet from scratch, specifically the Wacom 12″ Cintiq tablet. This model combines touch and pressure sensitivity, which allows users to draw directly on the screen. These capabilities make it a favorite for illustrators. Let’s get to work.
Create an Electrical Outlet Icon in Photoshop
In this tutorial, we will be making use of vector masks and layer styles in Photoshop to create a high quality electrical outlet icon. Let’s get started!
Create a Jeans Pocket Icon Using Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial, we’ll work with basic elements for creating a series of icons. After studying this simple tutorial, you will learn many useful and necessary techniques, such as the creation of vector texture, working with the Scatter Brush, using the Graphic Style palette, creating scuffs and creases on the fabric, using the Gradient Mesh, and more. Believe me, it’s worth your attention.
Create a Speed Gauge and Watch Icon
In this tutorial, We will create a speedometer/gauge icon in photoshop.
How to Create a Golden, Vector Compass in Illustrator
In this tutorial we will take you through the steps and techniques of creating a golden compass. For this tutorial I’ve used just Adobe Illustrator and a heavy dose of ingenuity. Let’s get stared!
Photoshop Ipod Portable Speaker Icon
In this tutorial we are teaching you about How to Create Photoshop Ipod Portable Speaker Icon.
Create a Custom Mac OSX Style Ring Binder Address Book Icon
Here we will show you how to create an Address Book replacement icon for Mac OSX. When you are a beginner, it’s better to start with designing replacement icons to get some practice. Let’s get started with personalizing the icons in our workspaces.
How to Create a Recycling, Paper Bag Icon
In this tutorial, we’ll explain how to create an eco-friendly paper icon with simple shapes and gradients. This tutorial is great for beginners to get started with icon design, as this is a fairly simple icon to create. Let’s dive in!
How to Create a Shiny Paint Bucket Icon
Learn how to create a simple three-dimensional icon of a paint bucket, complete with paint splotches, with this colorful tutorial. Harnessing the power of paths, layer effects and consistent lighting we’ll obtain an effective, shiny icon.
How to Create an Alarm Clock Icon
With simple shapes and gradients, this easy tutorial will show you how to create an alarm clock icon. We’ll be using Illustrator CS4 for this tutorial, but those of you with older version should be able to follow along as well. Let’s jump into this tutorial, which beginning illustrators will find especially useful!
Create a Mobile Phone Styled Like the HTC Touch Diamond
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Mobile Phone Styled Like the HTC Touch Diamond.
Photoshop design USB portable speaker logo icon in Photoshop
In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a Photoshop design USB portable speaker logo icon in photoshop.
How to Create a Juicy RSS Feed Icon
Let’s learn how to make a unique RSS feed icon. This tutorial requires a familiarity with Adobe Illustrator’s basic tools as we’ll use the gradient mesh tool and make light use of Illustrators mapping feature.
How to Create a Transparent Battery Icon
In this tutorial, we’ll create a detailed icon of a battery similar to the one used for the iPhone touch. The battery “fuel” color can be changed as well as the “fuel” level, allowing the icon to be used to create a battery or power meter for applications, or simply as a graphic in any type of design.
How to Create a Magic Wand Icon
In this Illustrator tutorial, we will show you how to create a magic wand icon. This tutorial will utilize gradient feathering and some simple shapes. These techniques are easily translated to other icons, illustrations, and logos.
This tutorial is the result of some of artist experimentation in the Illustrator realm. It will go through the steps to creating a typical web icon. In this case, a pretty nifty coffee mug.
Learn How To Create An IOS Fabric Style Icon
In this tutorial we will be showing you how to create your very own 3D style fabric IOS icon.
Carbon Fibre Style Metallic Icon Design
In this tutorial we will be showing you how to create a metallic carbon fibre 3D icon.
How to Create a Shiny Bucket Icon
In this tutorial you will learn how to make a realistic vector bucket icon. You will learn to use the 3D Revolve function, how to add realistic light effects and how to draw different objects to form a composition.
How to Create a Hyper-realistic Flashlight
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a hyper-realistic illustration of a flashlight. This style of illustration is particularly popular for icons and technical illustrations. Although this tutorial is more advanced than others, don’t let that dissuade you from giving it a go, you will find it’s written in an easy to understand format and the results will be worth the perseverance.
Create a Simple Clipboard Icon in Illustrator
In the following tutorial you will learn how to create a simple clipboard icon. Use a complete Illustrator CS5 workflow, vector shape building techniques, and vector effects to design this icon. Let’s get started.
We will use a proportional diamond line art as a guide to help us create a perfect diamond in this Illustrator tutorial.
How to Create a Cute Valentine’s Day Icon with Adobe Illustrator
This Quick Tip explains how to create an envelope icon, you’d love to click!
Make a Headphones Icon Using Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a realistic image of headphones using simple and understandable techniques. It turns out that to get a good result there is no need to do it in a complex way. This tutorial is easy for any beginner to complete.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a briefcase icon with rectangles, ellipses, and gradients. This briefcase icon is great for web designs and user interfaces. Moreover, you can easily apply these techniques to other icons, logos, and illustrations.
Tutorial: Create a vector stop watch icon
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a vector stop watch icon in Adobe Illustrator. The tutorial is covering all the steps needed to create a great looking, realistic stop watch. Only the basic tools in Illustrator such as Ellipse, Rectangle, Gradient and transformations are used to achieve the result you see here.
How to Draw a Glossy Yo-Yo Icon using Adobe Illustrator
Entertain yourself with this tutorial on creating a glossy yo-yo icon. You will learn how to combine different gradient and object effects to make a hyper realistic and shiny plastic surface. The result is a perfectly rendered and appealing icon that can be made in just one hour!
Design a 3D Digital Clock Icon with Illustrator
This tutorial will explain how to create a glossy and stylized digital clock from scratch in Adobe Illustrator composed of basic shapes and nifty gradients. We will make a vector icon that will be scalable to any size by taking advantage of designing icons and graphics using a vector-based application like Illustrator.
Photoshop Gold Ipod Shuffle Icon
In this tutorial, i am telling you about how to create photoshop gold Ipod shuffle icon.
Learn How To Create A Photoshop Style Pen Tool Icon
In this tutorial we will be showing you how to make your very own photoshop pen tool icon from scratch, using photoshop CS5. Lets get started.
How to Create a Battery Icon in Photoshop
In this tutorial we will draw a battery icon in Photoshop. The key here is layer style Gradient Overlay. Using this layer style we can add lighting into the battery and give it a 3D look.
Clean Mobile Login Screen Tutorial
Mobile design is getting bigger and bigger as the weeks go by, its only a matter of time before mobile design tutorials start popping up in every tutorial website. So to kick it off we will be showing you how to create a simple mobile login screen.
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