Web developers always welcome CSS3 and HTML5 templates because CSS3 and HTML5 have become quite popular among the web developers right from their introduction. With the help of CSS3 and HTML5, developers can create very stylish and extremely trendy websites that are fully functional. Moreover, because of their advanced features HTML5 and CSS3 simplify the development work to a great extent.
In this round up, we are presenting 40 fresh and high quality HTML5 and CSS3 templates. All of these templates have been designed professionally and are free to use. So, feel free to download them and have fun using them in your work. Here is the full collection after the jump. Have a look and enjoy!
Free Html5 Theme For Taxi Company
As Clean as a Whistle Freebie for Cleaning Company
Free Html5 Theme To Prop Running Marathons Via Your Site
Mod Portfolio to Tell a Story of Your Art
UI Hero a Corporate Portfolio Flat Responsive Web Template
Creativo a Corporate Portfolio Flat Responsive Web Template
Brandi Corporate Flat Responsive web template
Snowboarding a Flat ECommerce Bootstrap Responsive Web Template
Butterfly a Corporate Portfolio Flat Responsive Web Template
Creation a Flat Industrial Bootstrap Responsive Web Template
Productively a App Based Flat Bootstrap Responsive Web Template
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