40+ Adobe Illustrator Tutorials On Vector Design

Are you looking for some Adobe Illustrator tutorials on vector designs? If yes, then look no further because in this compilation, we are presenting 40 useful and detailed Adobe Illustrator tutorials on vector design. Adobe Illustrator handles vector designs the way Photoshop does for bitmap graphics. It may seem difficult at the first but it will definitely well worth your effort if you get time to learn Illustrator.

Below, you will unearth 40 Adobe Illustrator tutorials on vector designs. These tutorials will teach you how to use Illustrator to create vector designs. Take a peek over the list and see if anything catches your attention. Feel free to share your opinions with us via comment section below. Enjoy!

Create a Crayons Illustration

In the following steps you will learn how to create a crayons illustration in Adobe Illustrator.

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Learn How to Create Your Own Sign Post Illustration


In the following steps you will learn how to create a simple sign post illustration in Adobe Illustrator.

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How to Create an Easy Cooking Card

In this tutorial, we will learn to create a cooking card that can be used as a cover for cookbook or recipe card, in Adobe Illustrator.

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Create an Easy Field of Flowers Pattern Design

Create a simple, shape-driven floral pattern with Adobe Illustrator. Use polygons to make each of the pattern’s elements, distort them with vector effects, and use the Pattern Options panel in order to bring your design together.

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Create a Colorful Balls Text Effect

In this tutorial I’ll teach you how to create a Colorful Balls Text Effect/Typography Poster using Adobe Illustrator to create the text, and Photoshop to add some finishing touches.

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How to create a Realistic Mango

In the following Adobe Illustrator tutorial you will learn to use Gradient Mesh and Textures to create a realistic Mango.

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Create a Simple Seashell

In this new quick tip you will learn how to create a simple seashell in Adobe Illustrator.

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How to Create a Detailed Lighter

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Create Henna Inspired Elements for a Festival Poster

Commonly used in the hot regions of the world, like the Middle East, Africa and Southern Asia, this dye was also a mode of cooling the body, as well as a way to decorate the hands and feet with non-permanent body art.

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Render a Simple 3D Pixel Space Invaders

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How to Create a 404 Error Page

In the following steps you will learn how to create a simple 404 error page in Adobe Illustrator.

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Create a Sweet Honeycomb Pattern

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a sweet honeycomb pattern in adobe illustrator.

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Use the Kuler iPhone app to develop a colour scheme for use

In this tutorial I’ll guide you through getting started with Kuler and then using your colour palettes in Illustrator.

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Create a Fabulous Nail Polish Text Effect

In this you will learn how to create a pink art brush, a simple background and smooth piece of text. Taking full advantage of the Appearance panel and the Pathfinder panel you will learn how to add shading and highlights for your piece of text. Finally, you will learn how to add some nail polish drips and a bunch of subtle sparkly spots.

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How to Create a Detailed Box

For this Quick Tip I’m going to show you how to create a detailed cardboard box, including dividers, from scratch. We will use the power of gradients, pattern swatches and a bit 3D magic to make this box really come to life. So let’s get to it!

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Create a Hill Scene Using Gradients

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a hill scene using gradients in adobe illustrator.

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Create the Captain America Shield Icon

In this tutorial you will learn how to set-up a simple grid, how to create the main, four circles and how to easily place them in the center of your artboard. Using basic blending and vector shape building techniques you will learn how to add subtle shading and a simple star shape.

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Create a Garden Scene with Basic Shapes

It’s springtime, and it would be a good time to create a garden scene. You will use just basic shapes and the Pencil Tool in Adobe Illustrator.

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Create a 3D vector icon in Fireworks or Illustrator

This tutorial will show you how to create a 3D-looking icon, adding fine details and shadows, using textures and making the illustration very realistic with gradients and lights.

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How to Create Clothing Zipper

In this tutorial we will color the vector objects of the Clothes Zipper using traditional techniques, and create a fabric texture with the help of Phantasm.

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How to create iOS7 icons in Adobe Illustrator?

In this tutorial you will learn how to create ios7 icons in adobe illustrator.

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Using Layers and Blend Modes in Inkscape

Once you start creating more elaborate designs in Inkscape, you’ll probably find yourself struggling to click certain things without selecting something else.

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How to Create Quickly a Realistic Vector Orange

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create quickly a realistic vector image. Have fun learning our new Adobe illustrator tutorial!

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How to Create a Blended Hexagonal Print Design

Geometric print designs have been quite the trend as of late. Using the Blend Tool (W), the Appearance panel in Adobe Illustrator, and a trendy color palette we’ll create a hexagonal design of our own, ready for the printers.

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Army Cap

In this tutorial, you will learn how to design an army cap using Illustrator. In each step, we will first draw the outline and then apply colors and shadows.

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Create a Near Realistic Shield and Sword

This tutorial will show how to create a near realistic shield with swords by easily creating shapes using VectorScribe2 and then enhancing them with Phantasm.

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How to Create a Detailed Fire Extinguisher

In the following tutorial you will learn how to create a detailed fire extinguisher illustration in Adobe Illustrator.

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How to Create Banner, Label and Badge Templates

In this tutorial you will learn how to create different banner, label and badge templates which you can use in your future art projects.

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How to Create a Detailed Flag Stand Illustration

In the following steps you will learn how to create a detailed flag stand illustration in Adobe Illustrator. We’ll start with the pole.

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How to Create Vector Camp Badges

In his tutorial you will learn how to create some vector camp badges in Adobe Illustrator that is. Using Drew Wilson’s “Pictos” icon set as our starting point, Ryan’s first tip in Illustrator CS6 is here to kick off the season and get us ready to roast some marshmallows.

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Create a Coffee Cup Mock Up in Adobe Illustrator Using the 3D Revolve Effect

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a coffee cup mock up in adobe illustrator using the 3D revolve effect.

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How to Create a Starfish in Adobe Illustrator

In this Adobe Illustrator Tutorial we will study several time-consuming yet important techniques.

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How to Create Realistic Vector Leaves in Illustrator

In this tutorial, we’ll find out how to create a realistic vector leaf which can be always used in your future projects. This leaf is essentially universal, i.e. you can always change its color and form. It might seem to you that it’s created with the help of the Gradient Mesh.

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How to Create Vector Glass Infographics Template

In this Illustrator tutorial, we will learn how to create vector glass objects that can be used as elements of infographics.

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Create a Stylish Pencil Icon in Illustrator

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a stylish pencil in illustrator.

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Create a Fabulous Semi Realistic Lipstick

In this tutorial you will learn how to draw a realistic lipstick from scratch in Adobe Illustrator and from it you will create other versions.

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Create an Opened Gift Box Icon in Illustrator

Learn how to create a 3D opened gift box icon in Adobe Illustrator. We’ll be using shapes, effect options and the Pen Tool to create this cute Gift Box Icon.

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How to Create a Semi-Realistic Graphics Tablet in Adobe Illustrator

In the following steps you will learn how to create a semi-realistic graphics tablet in Adobe Illustrator.

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Create a Simple Hatchet Illustration in Adobe Illustrator

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a simple hatchet illustration in Adobe Illustrator using the grid and the snap to grip feature, along with basic tools, effect and vector shape building techniques.

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Create a Sleek Web Ribbon in Adobe Illustrator

In the following tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple web ribbon in Adobe Illustrator. For starters you will learn how to set up a simple grid and how to create the main shapes using basic tools and vector shape building techniques.

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How to Illustrate an Old Cinema Ticket

In this tutorial you will learn how to illustrate an old cinema ticket.

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Create a Simple Menu Bar and a Sleek Web Ribbon

In the following tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple menu bar and a sleek web ribbon in Adobe Illustrator. For starters you’ll create pixel perfect shapes using the grid and Snap to Grid option.

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