As we believe that strong advertisement is a fastest way to convey the message to the audience and if they are attractive as it can be inspiration for others so it’s more useful. Sometimes they are just an advertisement but some companies works very hard to make their promotional / advertisement campaign very unique, striking and successful. There must be innovation and creativity involve in any successful creative advertisement campaign. Today, I am sharing another post of Extremely Creative Advertisments I have Ever Seen in which I have collected few Eco-Friendly Advertisements. I am calling this collection as “23 Cool And Creative Eco-Friendly Advertisementsâ€. Maybe most of you guys already had a look at some of these but we tried to make this compilation very inspiring, interesting and entertaining for everyone and specially for our exclusive readers. I hope we can help to create awareness in keeping our environment more secure and fresh.
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—————-Recommendations, Please continue reading below—————-
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China Environment Protection Foundation: Automotive pollution
Green Choice dish-washing liquid: Recycled paper
Asa Wright Nature Center: Nature
Global warming awareness: Earth
Go Green Go Public PSA Campaign
Deforestation awareness: Trees
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