Collection Of Excellent WordPress Twitter Plugins & Widgets

Here we are presenting a superb collection of some very useful and handy WordPress Twitter plugins for you. WordPress Twitter plugins can be crucial for social media marketing and therefore, any business either online or offline should not overlook its importance. Twitter is a powerful marketing tool and with the help of WordPress Twitter plugins, the tedious task of social media marketing can be reduced exponentially.

With this collection, we are showcasing a useful assortment of some free WordPress Twitter plugins for you so that you can download them and simplify your work process. Resources such as WordPress plugins are meant to expedite your work flow by allowing you carry out certain actions quickly thus helping you to improve your productivity as well.

Juiz Last Tweet Widget

Add a widget to your sidebar to show your latest tweet(s) with style and without JavaScript! Retweet, Favorite and Reply links are available.

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Twitter Fans (Like Box for Twitter)


This plugin lets you display your twitter followers in the sidebar (or anywhere else in the theme). The display is similar to Facebook’s Like Box.

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Twitter Widget

Adds a sidebar widget to display Twitter updates (uses the Javascript Twitter ‘widgets’)

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Twitter Tweets Box

Twitter Tweets Box is a Widgets let you display Twitter updates on your website.

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Twitter is big. Too big to ignore if you’re a blogger. It’s a great way to connect with your readers, and promote your blog a bit.

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Twitter Mentions As Comments

Twitter Mentions as Comments scours Twitter for people talking about your site & silently inserts their Tweets alongside your existing comments.

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Brought to you by MailChimp, Social is a lightweight plugin that handles a lot of the heavy lifting of making your blog seamlessly integrate with social networking sites Twitter and Facebook.

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NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster

This plugin automatically publishes posts from your blog to your Social Network accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+(Google Plus), Blogger, Tumblr, LiveJournal, FriendFeed, DreamWidth, Delicious, Diigo, Instapaper, Stumbleupon, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Plurk, VKontakte(, YouTube, WordPress, etc.

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WordTwit keeps track of when you publish new posts, and automatically informs your followers by pushing out a tweet to twitter in the format you specify. All links are automatically converted to tiny URLs to save space.

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Twitter Follow Me Box

Creates a floating box with a follow me twitter. Without the need to modify the template.

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Twitter Embed

Easily embed tweets in your posts and pages by posting the tweet URL on a line by itself or by using a shortcode provided by the Twitter interface.

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Share And Get it !

Share&Get it! automatically provides you with either Facebook fans or Twitter followers in return for downloadable files. Once you’ve installed Share&Get it ! on your WordPress website, your number of visitors will dramatically increase in no time. To obtain such great results, you only need to copy/paste the shortcodes you get when setting up the buttons.

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Tweet Old Post

Plugin to tweet about your old posts to get more hits for them and keep them alive.

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Displays your latest pictures from TwitPic in the sidebar of your blog. The plugin is widget ready and comes with many configuration options!

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Rapid Twitter Widget

Display tweets from one or more Twitter accounts using a WordPress widget. Compatible with version 1.1 of the Twitter API.

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Simple Twitter Plugin

Display timeline for Tweets from an individual user, a user’s favorites, Twitter lists, or any search query or hashtag as a widget in your sidebar.

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WordPress IDX Plugin

WordPress IDX is the leading IDX / MLS real estate search plugin for WordPress sites. Elegant interface, great SEO and excellent lead capture.

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A WordPress plugin that allows you to embed realtime information about plugins or themes from into posts and pages simply by pasting in the URL to the plugin into your post or page.

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Tweet Blender

Better than Twitter’s own widgets – Tweet Blender is tag-aware and has support for multiple authors, lists, hashtags, and keywords all blended together. The plugin can show tweets from just one user or a list of users (as all other Twitter plugins do); however, it can also show tweets for a topic which you can define via Twitter hashtag or keyword.

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Tweet And Get it !

Tweet&Get it ! is an automatic process to get Twitter followers in exchange for a downloadable file.

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Latest twitter sidebar widget

This widget will display the most recent tweets for any twitter user who has their tweets set as public. Show up to 20 tweets. Include a link to your twitter profile and a twitter icon or your profile picture.

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Twitter Shortcode

Shortcode for the official Twitter Widgets.

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Twitter Goodies Widgets

Uses the twitter goodies widgets API to create offical twitter widgets (profiles, lists, faves and search) straight from your control panel.

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This is a WordPress plugin to show your Twitter badge as a widget with easy personalization.

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TweetRoll displays your Twitter details and the avatars of some of your friends, together with the ability to monitise your Twitter stream.

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JM Twitter API Status Monitor

Monitor the Twitter API and be alerted when it is down.

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Evergreen Post Tweeter

Evergreen Post Tweeter enables you to automatically tweet out links to old posts based upon a tag or tags.

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TwitterLink Comments

Allow your commentators to include their Twitter username along with their comment so a follow-me link can be displayed with their details on the list.

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Twitter Comments – Twitoaster

Twitter Comments system. Automatically retrieve Twitter Replies and/or Twitter Retweets to your Blog’s Posts using WP built-in comment system.

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Twitter Feed Widget

Twitter Feed Widget will display your tweets using ajax and jquery. It shows one tweet at a time and loops through an specified number of tweets and time interval. IMPORTANT the twitter feed currently only works with non-private(public) twitter accounts.

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WP Twitter Timeline

Add a sidebarwidget with your twitter timeline to your WordPress-Blog.

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Twitter Plugin

Add a Twitter “Follow” button to your WordPress website.

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Twitter Widget with Sentiment Analysis

Shows latest tweets for any keyword, hashtag or, your handle along with sentiment analysis. It also starts to show trend lines if there is enough volume.

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Reliable Twitter

Adds a sidebar widget to display Twitter updates using the more-reliable Google Ajax API.

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Simple Twitter Tweets

A Simple Twitter Tweets display widget, using Twitter OAth and API v1.1 and backup up so it always displays your Tweets.

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WP-Twitter Retweet Button

This plugin will install the official Twitter Button provided by Twitter to your WordPress-Blog.

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Twitter Embed

Easily embed tweets in your posts and pages by posting the tweet URL on a line by itself or by using a shortcode provided by the Twitter interface.

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Rimons Twitter Widget

This plugin allow you to grab your tweets from twitter and show your theme’s sidebar as widget.

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OAuth twitter sidebar widget

Display the latest updates for any twitter user in a widget. Automatically embeds links to @users, #hashtags and urls.

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