Best Of 2011: 40 Detailed Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

Icons are an imperative fraction of web design. In a lot of cases you can pay money for icons or download free ones, however every now and then you may require generating custom icons to acquire exactly what you want. Luckily, there are loads of tutorials out there that get through the process of designing an icon.

In today’s post, we have composed an extremely valuable list of Adobe Photoshop icon design tutorials that were created in 2011. These tutorials will teach you the techniques you will require for designing your own icons by means of Photoshop chiefly.

These tutorials will categorically help you accomplish your goals if you have a craze for icon design or are a GUI designer on the hunt for some tips. Enjoy and stay creative!

Draw a Realistic Steam Iron in Photoshop

This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to create a realistic Steam Iron from scratch. You’ll learn how to create realistic shadows & highlights on plastic and metal.


Best Of 2011: 40 Detailed Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials 1

Create a Detailed Camera Icon in Photoshop

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a detailed Fuji X100 camera icon in Photoshop. Let’s get started!

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How To Create A Green Button Isolated

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a green button isolated using layer styles, dodge and burn Tool. Let’s get started!

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Industrial Folder Style Icon

In this tutorial artist will be walking you through the process of creating a industrial style folder icon. Lets get going…

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Create a Star Trek Style Communicator in Photoshop

In this tutorial, we will draw a retro Star Trek style communicator, a voice communication device used in the original Star Trek series. We will combine layer styles and lots of manual drawing. So, prepare your Wacom to boldly go where no Photoshop tutorial has gone before.

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Learn To Create A Padlock Icon In Adobe Photoshop

Ever wanted to create a realistic padlock icon in adobe photoshop? Well you’ve come to the right place. In this tutorial artist will take you step-by-step in creating the best looking lock icon you’ve ever seen.

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Design a Detailed Audio Receiver Icon in Photoshop

In this tutorial we will show you how to create a detailed audio receiver icon using Photoshop’s vector editing capabilities. Let’s get started!

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Learn To Create A Glowing Google Plus Icon/Illustration

Google Plus is making its presence all over the internet, so in today’s tutorial I’ll be showing you how to create your very own glowing google plus icon/illustration.

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Create a Sweet Donut Icon in Photoshop from Scratch

In this icon design tutorial we will learn how to make a sweet and tasty donut icon from an initial sketch. So let’s begin, and remember: don’t try to bite the screen!

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How to Draw a Shopping Bag Icon in Photoshop

In this tutorial you will learn how to drawn a red shopping bag icon. This tutorial will cover the basic techniques of drawing such as creating the shape, shading, and adding shadows.

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How To Draw a Vintage Polaroid Camera Icon

In this tutorial, we will create a Polaroid camera icon. We will use lots of layer styles and draw manually with the brush tool to achieve a realistic appearance. Let’s get started!

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Create a Leatherback Book Icon in Photoshop

Learn how to create this leatherback book design in Photoshop. This tutorial will show you how to draw a book and apply textures and layer styles.

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Draw a Roll of Camera Film in Photoshop

Icon design can be a lot of fun. In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a roll of camera film using Photoshop. Let’s get started!

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How To Design a Realistic Takeout Coffee Icon

In this tutorial we’re going to show you how to design an Incredibly Detailed Drinks Icon. We’ll walk you through the process of creating the takeout coffee cup from start to finish, exploring a wide variety of techniques in Photoshop that can be applied to almost any type of design and drawing.

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Create a Download Folder Icon in Photoshop

Icons are an important part of most interactive and web design. While icons are small, they can often be challenging to create. In today’s tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a download folder icon using different shapes and reflections in Photoshop. Let’s get started!

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Stock royalty vector digital clock

In this tutorial we will illustration of digital clock using Pen tool, dodge and burn Tool. Let’s get started!

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Create an Open Book Icon In Photoshop

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create an open book icon in Photoshop. Let’s get started!

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Create a Detailed Vintage TV from Scratch in Photoshop

In today’s tutorial, artist will show you how to create a detailed vintage TV from scratch using Photoshop’s vector editing capabilities. The detailed step by step guide will help you to understand the process of its creation.

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How to create a packing box

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a packing box using layer styles, dodge and burn Tool. Let’s get started!

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Create a Futuristic Bicycle Icon in Photoshop

It’s fun and challenging to create items from scratch in Photoshop. In this tutorial we will create a futuristic bicycle icon from scratch using some basic Photoshop tools. Let’s get started!

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How to Illustrate a Realistic Guitar Using Photoshop

In this tutorial we’re going to explore how easy it is to illustrate a guitar in Photoshop using tiny shapes, gradients and subtle shadows. Using these techniques and a good reference photo you can create an amazing amount of detail and realism. Lets jump right in.

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Learn How To Create A Nintendo WiiU From Scratch In Photoshop

The new Nintendo WiiU was recently revealed at the E3 gaming conference boasting new ways in which we play our games. Now you can create your very own WiiU in photoshop using this detailed tutorial. The tutorial itself is very “Layer Style” heavy so set a side a good two or three hours to complete it.

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Design An IPod Shuffle Icon

Or this tutorial we will be dipping into a little bit of icon design for iOS applications. The example icon for the tutorial’s sake will be an iPod Shuffle icon that would be used for a music related app or something of that sort. The tutorial should give some exampled of how to shade elements in an icon as well as bases that typical iOS icons would use.

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Create A Nintendo DS In Photoshop

Today we are going to be using basic layer styling and some basic tools in Photoshop to create the open version of our Nintendo DS. In this tutorial you will learn to create the open view of a DS from scratch, using nothing but basic tools and filters. Now, let’s get started. As always this is what we will be creating:

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‘Zohf-Ee’ Cup Icon – Illustrator And Photoshop

Yep, another new tutorial author has joined the team here at HV-Designs and his first tutorial is awesome! Josh will be walking you through some simple Adobe Illustrator techniques on creating vector shapes and bringing them to photoshop and then applying some photoshop techniques to bring it all together. Let’s get started!

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how to create a seal in Photoshop cs3

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a seal using layer styles, dodge and burn Tool. Let’s get started!

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Toggle Switch Photoshop Tutorial

Hey, guys. Today, we’re going to learn how to create a toggle (on/off) switch, and we’re gonna do it using vector shapes and layer styles. That’s right. For now, say goodbye to working in raster and open your eyes to the bright future of resolution independence. Kinda warm and glowy, isn’t it? Good stuff.

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Stock photo vector portable meter interface

In this tutorial we will illustration of vector meter interface using Pen tool, dodge and burn Tool. Let’s get started!

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Create an Apple Safari Icon in Photoshop

Learn how to create a detailed Apple Safari icon in Photoshop. This tutorial will show you how to create shapes and use different layer styles to create effects.

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Create a Mac Style Home Icon in Photoshop

We occasionally need a home icon for our design project. Commonly, a designer draw with Illustrator, but this time let’s create a mac style home icon with Photoshop. The techniques used will be about making shape and playing with layer style. It’s not difficult to make this sweet icon.

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How To Create A Cool Orb

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a cool orb using layer styles, dodge and burn Tool. Let’s get started!

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Create a Diana Mini LOMO Camera Icon in Photoshop

Learn how to create a LOMO camera icon with this detailed Photoshop tutorial. This tutorial covers many drawing techniques such as creating a leather texture, adding reflection to glass, shading, and more.

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Creating Alarm In Photoshop

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a Alarm using layer styles, dodge and burn Tool. Let’s get started!

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How to Illustrate a Stethoscope Icon

This work is a common project created together with Iaroslav Lazunov and Oleksandr Iegupov. We have used Meshes, Art brushes, and Blends to create the final work. The skills you will learn here can easily be transferred to creating various objects. So let’s get started!

Radar Icon in Photoshop

In this tutorial artist will show you how to create a Mac style radar icon in Photoshop.

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Learn To Create A Camera Lens In Photoshop

In this detailed tutorial artist will be showing you how to create a cool camera lens in photoshop. The camera lens later could be used as an icon or illustration, lets get going…

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Stock vector water bottle

In this tutorial we will illustration of vector water bottle using Pen tool, dodge and burn Tool. Let’s get started!

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How to create a process icon

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a process icon using layer styles, dodge and burn Tool. Let’s get started!

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Create A 3D Push Pin

In this Photoshop tutorial I’ll show you how to create a 3D Push Pin using Photoshop Extended’s 3D drawing and rendering capabilities. Put your 3D glasses on and enjoy the show!

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Vector portable media player interface

Creating still life objects in Photoshop is often great practice for learning how to create other objects. In this tutorial we will illustration of portable media player using Pen tool, dodge and burn Tool. Let’s get started!

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