Having a nice and complete set of web user interface always come in handy for a web designer in order to simplify and ease the design process. Designing user interface particularly in the initial stages is a difficult thing and UI design elements can come handy.
This is second part of the series of posts where we are showcasing a compilation of some amazingly helpful UI Design Tools, Toolkits and Design Elements for the web designers that can make their designing process an easier task. If you have not checked it before then here is a link to the first part of the post 21 Free UI Design Tools, Toolkits and Resources (Part 1)
—————-Recommendations, Please continue reading below—————-
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We have already published a post about Free Web UI, Mobile UI, Wireframe Kits And Source Files For Designers and today’s collection will also definitely help you in learning new skills by discovering a new and perfect tool kit for your design project. Check them out; you will be amazed to find them.
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DHTMLX is a JavaScript library that provides essential functionality for building cross-browser, Ajax-based user interfaces. Develop impressive web applications faster with a set of ready-to-use UI widgets.
LivePipe UI
High Quality Controls & Widgets for Prototype.
A jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices.
Free Web UI Wireframe Kit
This web UI template kit is made completley with shape objects and in some cases converted into SmartObjects. So they’re totally scalable.
Wireframe Magnets (DIY Kit)
This DIY magnet template is based on the Konigi wireframe stencils and includes 3 sheets of elements that might be useful in whiteboard prototyping. Simply download and print the PDFs onto magnet sheets, optionally laminate them if you intend to use with dry-erase markers, and finally cut them out.
EightShapes Unify
A great collection of templates, libraries, and other assets for Adobe Creative Suite of products, primarily Adobe InDesign.
User Interface
Large collection of User Interface stencils for OmniGraffle.
Turquoise PSD
Turquoise PSD Template designed for windows
Download a Stencil Kit
Yahoo! Design Stencil Kit version 1.0 is available for OmniGraffle, Visio (XML), Adobe Illustrator (PDF and SVG), and Adobe Photoshop (PNG), and covers the following topics.
Android 2.2 GUI
This set contains GUI for android 2.2 (FROYO)
fluidIA is an emerging agile design tool for prototyping rich user interfaces.
iPhone Mockup Web App
This web app allows you to create your own iPhone app mockups.
Flex 3 Stencil
Includes all Flex components from Flex 3 Style Guide: panels, data grid, buttons, fields, links, toggle, menu, scrolls, accordion, tabs, list, data picker, tool tip, errors.
JuiceKit for Visual Analytics
JuiceKit is a Software Development Kit (SDK) for building Information Experience™ applications. JuiceKit integrates with Adobe Flex to create components that are easy to implement and aesthetically pleasing. JuiceKit components include controls, visualizations, and utility classes.
Simple JavaScript UI Kit For Complex Apps:Uki
Uki is a fast and simple JavaScript user interface toolkit for desktop-like web applications. It comes with a rich view-component library ranging from Slider to List and SplitPane.
MochaUI is a web applications user interface library built on the Mootools JavaScript framework.
Dijit – The Dojo Toolkit
Dijit is Dojo’s UI Library, and lives as a separate namespace dijit. Dijit requires Dojo Core. Each of the widgets and functionality provided by Dijit is describe in the following sections, though the aforementioned quickstart guides cover some basics.
Eclipse Stencil for OmniGraffle
This stencil enables you to easily prototype Eclipse (wizard) dialogs with OmniGraffle(TM)
Small GUI Pack
Small Graphical User Interface Elements Pack
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