The 7 [More] Best Free File Hosting Services To Store Your Files

People have a love and hate relationship with file hosting sites. Some file hosting sites are really handy and make sharing data even simpler than sending a file via email while other services spam you with countless pop ups and forced membership options to simply download a file. Here is a list of some great file hosting sites that make uploading and sharing files a cakewalk.

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The 7 [More] Best Free File Hosting Services To Store Your Files 1

dushare is a simple direct file-file-transfer service. It makes sending unlimited file sizes between two people as simple as clicking a link. You can send you files to your peers directly (P2P) with no server for upload/download.


The 7 [More] Best Free File Hosting Services To Store Your Files 2 offers an easy-to-use, reliable, and inexpensive data storage platform to store and retrieve any type of data , at any time, from any web browser connected to the Internet.


The 7 [More] Best Free File Hosting Services To Store Your Files 3

iSendr is an on-demand direct file transfer system. It makes transferring any size file between two people as simple as clicking a link.



The 7 [More] Best Free File Hosting Services To Store Your Files 4

Yogile is a photo sharing service that makes it incredibly easy to share images privately and within groups. Your friends and family can contribute with ease at Yogile. With this each album features a customizable URL and email address you can share with anyone you want to contribute.


The 7 [More] Best Free File Hosting Services To Store Your Files 5

Whenever you need to send a file that is too large for e-mail, Enterupload can help. If you need secure remote storage capacity for off-site backups, Enterupload offers solutions for you.


The 7 [More] Best Free File Hosting Services To Store Your Files 6

Send6 enables users to send, track and receive files and avoid the hassles of FTP and size restrictions of email attachments placed on users by Corporate IT departments and ISP’s. When you need to send a large file with confidence use Send6.


The 7 [More] Best Free File Hosting Services To Store Your Files 7

humyo offers storage which is always there and always available. You never lose a file with humyo – it’s impossible. And no file on humyo is ever beyond your reach. So if you’re tired of digital data being treated as disposable as a ballpoint pen and you’d like to keep it forever, humyo can do that for you no problem. participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.