Knocking Live Video: Free App To Broadcast Live Videos From Your iPhone Or Android Based Phones

Have you ever wondered how to broadcast live video through your cellphone? Imagine being able to share your phone camera’s image with the entire world. You could show the world whatever it is you were seeing in real time, and take sharing experiences to a new level.

You might have come across tools and services that provide live video sharing through your cellphone but these are mostly paid services. After reading about today’s tool however, you will not need to spend a penny to share live video. I am referring to Kocking Live Video.


Knocking Live Video is a free to use websites that enable live video sharing. We must first register for a free account before we can take advantage of the site’s services.

After registering for an account you add your friends and contacts on Knocking Live Video. New friends can be added by clicking on the “+” button. We can choose to invite users already on Knocking Live Video, invite users by specifying their email addresses, or have Knocking Live Video search our contacts in Gmail and Yahoo.


Once you have added your friends, the next step is to download and install Knocking Live Video’s application for your iPhone or Android device.



iPhone App Screenshots:



These applications will help broadcast live video through our cellphone’s camera. The uses we can put personal live broadcasting to are endless. Knocking Live Video’s versions for other cellphones (Blackberry, Symbian, Windows Mobile and Palm OS) are currently in development.  When they have applications for all cellphones out, all smartphone users will be able to benefit from this remarkable free service. participates in various affiliate marketing programs and especially Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to any of the linked sites from us.