Now Make Your Blogging Life Easier Than Ever With WordPress For iPad

We have got a great news for bloggers who use wordpress as their blogging platform and who do their best to keep their blog updated with latest news/happenings but they could not do the best due to functional limitation of wordpress for smartphones. Now WordPress made it easier for you if you are planning to have your Apple’s recently released iPad.

When everyone is curiously watching the release of Apple’s iPad, WordPress just announced the release of their optimized version of iPhone OS to take advantage of the iPad’s new user interface. It will really make your blogging life easier than ever before. Let me tell you how…


You may want to post update from anywhere (while you are on the move) but who knew that it would be like that easy as today after this release. Now write, add photos, check your spelling, and even create links without having to write a single line of code or HTML. While writing if you are not comfortable, just rotate the screen. WordPress will automatically adjust to a more comfortable widescreen layout to enjoy the iPad experience.


Yeah, it’s never been easier to stay in touch with your readers while you are not on the computer. But from now on you can moderate, edit, or reply to comments. It will also help you to quickly moderate bulk comments through the easy to use interface.


I agree it’s not necessary but it would be fun though to share your location when you post to your wordpress blog if you are out somewhere. Just tap the Geotag icon on the Write screen, and watch as WordPress locates you on the map. It’s a great way to share where you were when you posted to your blog. But we have to wait for Geotagging features because it will be available on the iPad when the 3G model comes out in late April.

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