13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers

Here is another wonderful compilation of 13 abstract and colorful desktop wallpapers for you. Many computer owners use desktop wallpapers to spice up their desktop and bring some life into it. Knowing how much of a hot commodity wallpapers are to the design and development community, and to anyone in general who tends to spend a large amount of time basking in the glow of a computer screen, we decided to collect more screen art for our readers.

All the wallpapers in this collection are handpicked and will surely provide you soothing and comforting visuals to relax your tired eyes. So, don’t miss the opportunity to liven up your wide screens. Check this out and get as much as you like!

Nice Colourful Abstract

13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 1

Colorful Wraps

13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 2

Thor Space Nebula


13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 3

Colorful Stripes

13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 4

Curl Rainbow

13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 5

Neon Flow

13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 6


13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 7

Cubist Sky to Nature

13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 8

3D Bars

13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 9

Colorful Fields

13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 10

Out There Wallpaper

13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 11

Penrose Polyscape Wallpaper

13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 12

Colorful Spiral Wallpape

13 Abstract and Colorful Desktop Wallpapers 13

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