12 jQuery Flipbook Plugin

In this round up, we have put together 12 best jQuery flipbook plugins for you that are the most popular interactive animation shortcuts in the recent days. With the help of flipbook or page flips effects, website owners can effectively present their product catalogs, sales brochures and content in visually appealing and eye catching manner. Moreover, flipbook effects gives the overall website design a new dimension.
In this compilation, you will find 12 best jQuery plugins for creating flipbook effects. We hope that you find this collection useful and will use these plugins in more creative way. Feel free to share your opinions and suggestions with us via comment section below. Enjoy!

A Content Flip Plugin

A jQuery plugin that will create a booklet-like component that let’s you navigate through its items by flipping the pages.

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FlipPage is a jQuery plugin that creates the illusion of turning the pages of a book.


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The jFlip Plugin

This plugin builds an image gallery made as a book.

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Creating a Flipbook Image Slider

Here we will be Creating a Flipbook Image Slider with CSS3 3D Transforms and jQuery.

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Moleskin Notebook With Jquery Booklet

Here we will show you how to use and customize the brilliant jQuery Booklet Plugin by talented Will Grauvogel.

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Fullscreen Pageflip Layout

A tutorial on how to create a fullscreen pageflip layout using BookBlock. The idea is to flip the content like book pages and access the pages via a sidebar menu that will slide out from the left.

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Booklet is a jQuery tool for displaying content on the web in a flipbook layout. It was built using the jQuery library.

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Portfolio Flipping Slider Using Jquery And CSS3

In this tutorial We are going to share about how to displaying our portfolio grid with flipping slider effect for pagination using jQuery & CSS3 Transform.

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Flippy is a cross-browser flip effect plugin for jQuery which allows you to flip whatever html element you want. It now supports rgba colors.

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Experimenatl Page Layout

An experimental page layout that let’s you navigate pages by swiping or dragging as in a booklet, inspired by Flipboard.

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Flip is a jQuery plugin that will flip easily your elements in four directions.

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Metro JS

Metro JS is a JavaScript plugin for jQuery developed to easily enable Metro interfaces on the web.

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