11 Useful And Free CSS UI Kits

We have previously presented many user interface (UI) kits for our designers fellows but rarely have compiled UI kits that have been exclusively built with CSS. This is something that many designers are looking for. So, look no further as here we are presenting 11 free CSS UI Kits for you. All of these 11 UI kits have been coded with CSS and contain a wide range of common web UI elements. These UI kits and more precisely the common web UI elements are the resources that you will need to build your own wireframe. We hope that you will find this collection useful for you.

Here is the full list after the small jump. We hope that you like this collection. Feel free to download as many as you like. Also, let us know what you think about this compilation. Your comments are always more than welcome. Enjoy!

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CSS User Interface UI Kit

Gumby Framework provides huge buttons, navigation and other CSS UI kits which are easy to implement.

11 Useful And Free CSS UI Kits 1



ui.css is a tool for creating clean user interfaces for the web. The download includes a css file with styles for all the elements, including :hover and :active states.

11 Useful And Free CSS UI Kits 2

Designer CSS UI Kit

This UI kit has been designed and hand-coded from scratch in HTML5 taking advantage of modern CSS3 techniques, it includes a range of common user interface elements and font stacks, which look beautiful in modern browsers and degrade gracefully in Internet Explorer.

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Here is fully coded CSS3 UI Kit. This includes everything from a search box, checkboxes, radio buttons, and more! Everything is code.

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Icon Deposit CSS3 UI Kit (PSD+CSS)

This CSS3 UI Kit includes everything from GUI switches and buttons, to radio buttons and checkboxes. I also included the Photoshop PSD file for those who want to edit the design or make the images bigger.

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All CSS UI-kits

This set includes web CSS UI elements that works in both bright and dark enviroments.

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Pure CSS UI Kit

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Massive CSS3 UI Kit

A huge assortment of UI elements made in nearly only CSS. Only one image (the arrow of the dropdown), no javascript, no extra markup.

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Metro UI CSS

Metro UI CSS a set of styles to create a site with an interface similar to Windows 8 Metro UI. This set of styles was developed as a self-contained solution.

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CSS Grid UI Set

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Futurico UI HTML

Futurico UI HTML is written using the SASS preprocessor. If you are not familiar with SASS you can use the CSS version instead

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