10 Essential Extensions You May Need For Your eShop Built With Magento

Here, we have come again with yet another exciting and useful compilation of 10 Magento extensions that you may need for your ecommerce website. Magento is the most popular and most solid eCommerce platform being used all over the world. All big eCommerce websites are on Magento.

Here is the full collection without any further delay. Scroll through our wonderful collection and be inspired. Do let us know what you think about this compilation. Feel free to share your opinions and comments with us via comment section below.

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The official dotmailer extension allows any Magento 2 store to easily connect and sync data to their dotmailer account.


10 Essential Extensions You May Need For Your eShop Built With Magento 1

Instant Search

Search that boosts conversion with Rich AutoComplete, Semantic Search, Individualized Search Results, Merchandising, and Product Recommendations.

10 Essential Extensions You May Need For Your eShop Built With Magento 2


Powerful personalization made easy. Magento Premier technology partner Nosto offers the most effective way to build and launch 1:1 personalized marketing campaigns

10 Essential Extensions You May Need For Your eShop Built With Magento 3

Vertex Sales Tax (EE)

Sales and Use Tax Calculation and Returns.

10 Essential Extensions You May Need For Your eShop Built With Magento 4

Official Zopim Chat (Version 2) by Diglin

This module allows you to integrate the Zopim Chat service into your Magento installation in a quick way. You can sign in into Zopim from Magento backend, it will enable and automatically configure the basic configuration of your Zopim Widget.

10 Essential Extensions You May Need For Your eShop Built With Magento 5

WebShopApps MatrixRate

The MatrixRate shipping extension is the original Magento solution that enables you to offer multiple shipping options to customers based on their locations. With MatrixRate you can define different shipping rates according to destination, shipping method and the weight, price or quantity of an item.

10 Essential Extensions You May Need For Your eShop Built With Magento 6

XML Sitemap

Magento XML Sitemap provides a store sitemap in XML file that allows you to boost your SEO result at ease.

10 Essential Extensions You May Need For Your eShop Built With Magento 7

Magento GeoIP Location extension

GeoIP Location allows tracking customers’ location based on their IP addresses. That helps to collect extensive information about location (that can be found in the ‘Online Customers’ grid and ‘Order View’ page) and protect your Magento store from any fraudulent orders.

10 Essential Extensions You May Need For Your eShop Built With Magento 8

Magento Others Also Bought extension

Replace the native ‘Related Products’ block with a smarter alternative – the product list based on your customers order history.

10 Essential Extensions You May Need For Your eShop Built With Magento 9

Magento Geo Lock extension

Easily manage (limit or deny access) to your Magento store for certain countries by detecting visitors’ location based on their IP address.

10 Essential Extensions You May Need For Your eShop Built With Magento 10

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